NTニュース記事 ♪クロスカルチャーカラオケ♪ | 日本は世界を平和にします







普通に働いている人を(そしてできればメインスポンサーのインペックス関係の若者)を中心に据えたいと思い、プロジェクト関係会社でで働く男性に来てもらって、しかし話が通じていなかったためユニフォームをわざわざ取りに帰ってもらいましたが(ちかさんThank you!!)

、残念ながらメインのスポットは取れず、アフリカ人とオーストラリアの女性二人に持っていかれてしまいました。やはり女性は強い!でもいい感じです。後ろでひできさんも「秀樹感激ポーズ」をしてくれていますね~ 民族衣装も二人入り、浴衣すたがのきょうこさんで日本っぽさも演出できたし、いい感じです。





Cross-cultural Karaoke NT News


DARWIN Community Arts is running its first Darwin Multicultural Karaoke Competition this Saturday, December 2 at the Portuguese and Timorese Social Club.

And they are looking for contestants.

Creative producer Sachi Hirayama said that they have already got a whole range of people from various backgrounds and differing musical tastes signing up for the event.

“So far there is an Indian guy singing Dr. G. Yunupingu, a young Japanese man singing the Japanese version of YMCA and an Indian teenage girl singing K-pop, with her team dancing,” she said.

“I think it is going to be an interesting event for sure.”

Entry is free for contestants and everyone is invited to come lend their support to the singers. There are three categories – one for children, another for a multicultural performance sung in a language other than English and one open to everyone wanting to perform a song in English.

There are a few prizes up for grabs including a $200 Casuarina shopping centre voucher, $100 food vouchers from sponsors INPEX and Nightcliff Community Bank, a $50 Roma Bar voucher and a $100 massage ticket from Alternative Body Works.

Ms Hirayama said that although she wants to emphasise the multicultural aspects of the night, she thinks that more people in Darwin could also benefit from karaoke.

“Karaoke is not only for the people who are great singers,” she said.

“In Australia very limited people enjoy Karaoke but in Japan, where karaoke comes from, it is for everyone, because singing loud releases your stress from work, breaks barriers to become friends and you have fun.”

There will be a range of multicultural food stalls including Spanish paella from Origo NT, Flavours of Damascus, My Sisters’ Kitchen, Curl Ice Cream and sushi burgers, as well as a bunch of craft stalls.


You can contact Ms Hirayama for more information at sachi.hirayama@gmail.com.

If you are going to be singing in a different language, you will need to prepare your music on a USB to bring along.





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