四寺廻廊・Four Temple Corridor




“Shijika’iro’u” (Four Temple Corridor) was launched in June 2003 as a collaboration of the four temples as a pilgrimage route.  The four temples in the To’uhoku region of Japan, Chu’uson-ji and Mo’utsu’u-ji in Hira’izumi, Iwate Prefecture, Zu’igan-ji in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, and Risshaku-ji (aka “Yamadera“) in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture, were all founded by En’nin (Jikakuda’ishi) in the 9th century and were also visited by Basho’u Matsuo in the 17th century.


En’nin studied Buddhism at Hi’eizan Enryaku-ji, as well as in the Tang Dynasty China.  He then founded Zu’igan-ji in 828, Chu’uson-ji and Mo’utsu’u-ji in 850 and Risshaku-ji in 860.

1689年には俳人の松尾芭蕉が「奥の細道」の旅で四寺を訪れています。松島では同行の門人・河合曽良が「松島や 鶴に身を借れ ほととぎす」の句を残し、平泉で芭蕉は「夏草や 兵共が 夢の跡」「五月雨の降残してや光堂」の二句を、山寺では「閑さや 岩にしみ入る 蝉の声」と詠んでいます。

In 1689, a Haiku poet, Basho’u Matsuo, visited these four temples, as seen in his work: “Oku-no-hosomichi” (Narrow Road to the Interior).  In Matsushima, his traveling companion and student, Sora Kawa’i, read: “O Matsushima…; Borrow the shape of a crane; Hey Cuckoo.”  Basho read two Ha’iku in Hira’izumi: “The summer’s grass; ‘Tis all that’s left; Of ancient warriors’ dreams” and “Early summer rain; Left behind; Hikari-do” and another at Yamadera: “Tranquility; The song of the cicada; Permeates the rocks.”




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