パラス ダイアリー 日本/Japan


Sex slave Research セックス奴隷の調査

2015-05-02 23:26:28 | Comfort Women 慰安婦

Sex slave Research


Michael Yon  マイケル・ヨン 

April 11, 2015  2015年4月11日
Soon I will travel to a country, which name I will not yet disclose, to research the sex slave allegations against Japanese. To be clear, we already know at this point that this is merely a Chinese information operation and that there is no basis in fact that Japanese kidnapped 200,000 women. Nevertheless, in the name of diligence we continue to look.
After researching in the country that I will not yet name, I will head to Philippines to continue research. Also, the United States military invited me to Philippines to see some of their training and so I am honored to go. As some people know, I have refused all US military embed requests since 2011, and this is the first embed since 2011. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to write about our people. 
After that, I will continue the sex slave research and likely then head to Australia to talk about that sex slave statue that Korean and Chinese communists are trying to erect. 
We need to stop these statues in Australia, Canada, and the USA. I told a Korean last night that if they put one of those statues in my home town, I will fly home, rent a truck and buy a chain and rip that trash out of the ground and drag it down the road until I go to jail.
These statues are designed to harass Japanese, extort money, and damage our alliance with Japan. 
Japanese fought and died for the United States in the most highly decorated military outfit in US history, the 442 Regimental Combat Team, which consisted of white officers and Japanese men. 
They are Americans. 
And when these Korean and Chinese communists harass these great Americans and their descendants, they are harassing all of us. We do not stand behind the Japanese, we stand with Japanese side by side because they are Americans 100%, while Japanese back in Japan are our allies and friends.
We stand side by side together. Making trouble for Japanese will bring more trouble than those communists imagine.





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