Communication No. 1951 氷上での救急医療についての議定書 | フィギュアスケーターの幸せを祈る



JFSが試合への医師帯同を増やすというニュースが出たので この機会に 2015年6月30日に制定された ISU のCommunication No. 1951 On Ice Medical Emergencies in Figure Skating Protocol を、見たいと思います。

『 ISU覚書/フィギュアスケートのための医療とアンチ·ドーピングで述べたように』と最初にありますが、あまりにも大量で目が回るので参照してません。ごめんなさい。


Communication No. 1951 氷上での救急医療についてのプロトコル


1 医療従事者は、競技中は4名がペアになって対角線上の角にいること

2 医療従事者はタイムキーパーを通じ、レフリーと無線連絡できる状態に

3 緊急時、医療従事者は即時対応し、その無線を使って氷上に立ち入る許可を得る

4 レフリーは、氷上の他選手を、リンク外へ出す

5 医療従事者及びそのチームは氷上へ入場し、スケーターを治療

6 スケーターは医療従事者によって医務室へ運ばれ、更なる治療を受ける

7 治療はスケーターの医療チームが行う (いない場合は主催のCMOまたは補助CMOが行う)

8 チームの医師はタイムキーパーを通じ、レフリーにスケーターが試合できるかどうかを無線で伝える

9  ↑ チームの医師がいない場合はCMOか補助CMOが、これを行う

10 ISUルール515 3~7がシングル・ペア・アイスダンスに適用される

11 最終的にレフリーが試合続行を許可するか決定する

12 医師はスケーターとレフリーに提供される ISU Return to Competition Form を記入する

Communication No. 1951 On Ice Medical Emergencies in Figure Skating Protocol
The following procedure must be followed in case of evacuation of a skater from the ice surface in Figure Skating.
1. As stated in the ISU Memorandum / Medical and Anti-Doping for Figure Skating, four (4) Medical Personnel must be present during competition and be positioned in pairs at opposite corners of the ice surface and two (2) Medical Personnel must be present during practice and be positioned at one end of the ice surface.
2. The Medical Personnel will have radio contact with the Referee via the Timekeeper.
3. When an emergency occurs on the ice that the Medical Personnel believes requires immediate attention, the Medical Personnel will radio the Referee via the Timekeeper to inform him/her that they need to enter the ice surface.
4. The Referee will clear the ice surface.
5. Medical Personnel with the respective Team physician (if present) enter the ice surface and assess the Skater.
6. Skater is removed from the ice surface by the Medical Personnel and taken to the medical room for further assessment.
7. The assessment is conducted by the Skater’s Team Physician (if present). If there is no Team Physician present the assessment will be conducted by the CMO or Assistant CMO for the event.
8. If the respective Team Physician is present to assess the Skater, he/she will provide the Referee via the Timekeeper with his/her assessment if the Skater is fit to compete or not.
9. If there is no Team Physician present, the CMO/Assistant, will provide the Referee via the Timekeeper with his/her assessment if the Skater is fit to compete or not.
10. ISU rule 515 paragraphs 3-7 of the Special Regulations & Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating and Ice Dance is applied.
11. The Referee makes the final decision if the skater is allowed back onto the ice surface to compete.
12. The Physician who conducted the assessment completes the attached ISU Return to Competition Form which is provided to the Skater and the Referee.

June 30, 2015

Ottavio Cinquanta, President
Fredi Schmid, Director General

羽生くんとハン・ヤンが命を懸けて制定させたといえる Communication No. 1951 On Ice Medical Emergencies in Figure Skating Protocol


CMO は、大会主催者が用意する医療従事者かな、と思います。
チームドクターがいない場合、CMO か 補助CMO が 治療したり、棄権を判断します。






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