

HBA Week5 Social Study

The fifth week of HBA has a social study trip. Students choose a place to go from several options and do sightseeing, meet with local people, and learn about Chinese culture there. I went to Inner Mongolia and would like to write what's good about this special program. (Since I'm only using Chinese, my English level becomes poorer day by day, which may could be guessed from posts of this blog.)

The best feature of this program is that you can actually go and learn about different places of China. I think this opportunity makes students learn a lot better than just staying at Beijing and studying using textbooks. The image of Inner Mongolia I had before was vast grasslands with nomadic tribes. However, after getting there, I learned that not many people spend nomadic lives now and that Inner Mongolia has urbanized. Moreover, by meeting and talking with local students, I could not only do sightseeing but also do research on what I am interested in.

↓The university we went to meet and talk with students.