Representative of the Democratic Party of Japan.
Mrs. Renhō.
She is a Chinese spy.

The Democratic Party of Japan is a puppet organization of Korea and China.


Mr. Yataro Tsuda



She is a member of the Japanese Red Army.
And she is a puppet of Korea and China.


This guy is a blackmail criminal against women.


This guy is a pet dog of S. Korea and N. Korea.


Japanese Communist Party is a puppet organization of Communist Party of China.




This guy too is a pet dog of China.


Governor of Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.
Mr. Takeshi Onaga.
This guy is a henchman of China.


Social Democratic Party of Japan.
Mrs. Mizuho Fukushima.
Her true identity is a member of South Korean mafia.
She too is a South Korean.


Japanese AsahiShimbun (Asahi newspaper) is a puppet newspaper of China and Korea.

This guy is a criminal who fabricated the comfort women issue.

This guy is an injury criminal who is receiving the support from China and South Korea.

Japanese NHK is a puppet broadcasting station of Korea and China.


Most Japanese bureaucrats are anti - Japan.

Mr. Yohei Kono.
The lowest politician who sold the Samurai soul to South Korea.