
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2018年05月18日 17時35分45秒 | ministry of word

The book of Revelation shows us that without the overcomers Christ has no way to come back. We know that Christ is our way (John 14:6a). But from deep within His heart, Christ would tell us that the overcomers are His way. Without Christ, we do not have a way, but today without the overcomers, Christ has no way. The overcomers are the very way for Christ to come back.

Only the overcoming seekers who enter into the Holy of Holies to experience Christ as the ark, God's testimony, enjoy a particular portion of the hidden Christ. We must have some deeper experience of Christ. Our experience of Christ should not merely be openly in the meetings, but hiddenly in the Holy of Holies, even in Christ Himself as the ark, the testimony of God. In Christ as the ark, we can enjoy Him as the hidden manna, as a particular portion for our life supply, to overcome the worldliness of the degraded church.

- The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the New Creation chapter 3

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