Summertimeひまわりis finally here, and that usually means some interesting movies キラキラ are playing at your local multiplex.

Sometimes the movies are quite exciting爆  笑, and these are the movies we remember for many years.

Films like Jurassic Park 恐竜くん and Independence Day 炎 were big hits in their day, but they still endure as popular movies.


As time goes on, however, the staying power of movies also decreasesタラー.

Who can even remember the hits from five years agoキョロキョロ?

How about from last year ガーン?

There are so many action movies with big special effects that it's nearly impossible to tell them apart.


Of course, superhero movies 星 are in abundance.

If you enjoy watching a big showdown between characters in tights and capes and bad guys from another dimension, then you're in luck, as that is essentially all that gets shown anymore.

Most of these flicks are interchangeable, too ショボーン.


It's hard to see how this generation's children will grow up with the long-lasting fantasy films all previous generations grew up with.

Movies in general seem to be losing their power えーん.

Why wouldn't they?

When they all look and sound the same, what's the difference??


by Brett