














 ロシア軍が、この地域での今後の攻撃を前に、残っている民間人に市内からの避難を強制している可能性がある。 同時に、ハリコフは大規模な工業都市であり、電力供給の混乱により、そこに残っている軍事施設の運営が妨げられています。


 ロシアによる夜襲のもう一つの標的は、アゾフ・ナチス大隊の元戦闘員で構成されるウクライナ第3独立強襲旅団の一時配備地点だった。 精密ミサイル攻撃により、ドネツク人民共和国のノヴゴロトカにある機械工場の寮の1つが破壊された。 その結果、旅団は偵察小隊と軍事装備を失った。 






ここ数日、ロシア軍はボグダノフカの支配地域を拡大し、この地域におけるウクライナの主要拠点であるチャソフ・ヤルの郊外に西方向から接近した。 アヴデエフカ西側の村々に配備された予備兵力は、ウクライナ軍がロシアの進軍を阻止するのに役立たなかった。


 オルロフカとトネンコエでの勝利の後、ロシア軍はセミョノフカへの攻撃を開始した。 速報によると、3月26日朝、ロシア軍が南方向から村に入った。 ロシアによる北部郊外への攻撃が続く中、ウクライナがセミョノフカを長期間支配し続ける可能性は低い。


 同時に、ロシア軍は南ドネツク方向のノヴォミハイロフカ村で大幅に前進した。 ウクライナ軍が支配しているのは入植地の約4分の1だけだ。 前日には、北部郊外の大農場にある軍事陣地からも撃退された。 数週間にわたる陣地の戦いの後、ロシア軍はセヴェルスク地域に進軍し、ヴェセロー付近の広い前線での陣地を改善した。


While the world attempts to assess the consequences of the horrific terrorist attack in Moscow to the current international struggle, the war on the Ukrainian frontlines runs its course.

On March 25, new wave of Russian strikes hit Ukrainian rear facilities. Unlike the previous attacks, today’s targeted the Ukrainian military facilities in the eastern regions. The Armed Forces of Ukraine traditionally declared that all 12 Russian kamikaze UAVs were destroyed by the Ukrainian air defense forces, but the official numbers contradicted the reports by local Ukrainian sources. Last night, numerous explosions thundered in the city of Kharkov. The targets reportedly included the local energy facilities. The city was almost completely de-energized as a result of the recent Russian attacks. It is possible that the Russian military is forcing the remaining civilians evacuate from the city before the upcoming assault in the region. At the same time, Kharkov is a large industrial city and the disruption of electricity supplies thwarts the operations of the remaining military facilities there.

Another target of the Russian night attack was the point of temporary deployment of the Ukrainian 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, which consists of the former fighters of the Azov nazi battalion. The precision missile strike destroyed one of the dormitories of the mechanical plant in Novgorodka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. As a result, the brigade lost its reconnaissance platoon and its military equipment.

Meanwhile, the Russian army is pushing Ukrainian forces away from their positions in almost all directions on the front.

After the prolonged heavy battles, Russian forces achieved strategic success and took control of the town of Krasnoe on March 23. The retreat threatened the entire line of Ukrainian defense. In recent days, Russian forces expanded their zone of control in Bogdanovka and approached the outskirts of the main Ukrainian stronghold in the region, Chasov Yar, from the western direction.

No reserves deployed in the villages west of Avdeevka helped the Ukrainian military stop the Russian advance. After victories in Orlovka and Tonenkoe, Russian forces launched an assault on Semenovka. According to preliminary reports, on the morning of March 26, Russian troops entered the village from the southern direction. Amid the ongoing Russian attacks on the northern outskirts, Ukraine is unlikely to hold control of Semenovka for a long time.

At the same time, Russian forces have significantly advanced in the village of Novomikhailovka in the Southern Donetsk direction. The Ukrainian army is in control of only about one quarter of the settlement. Over the past day, it was also repelled from its military positions on a large farm in the northern outskirts.

After several weeks of positional battles, Russian forces advanced in the Seversk region and improved their positions on a wide front near Veseloe.
