[Shinto Shrine] Kuramae Jinja (蔵前神社)

Kuramae Jinja (蔵前神社)

The haiden of Kuramae Jinja
Kuramae Jinja (蔵前神社/藏前神社) is a Shinto shrine, in the Kuramae District in Taito-ku, Tokyo, enshrining the deities of Hondawakenosumera-mikoto (誉田別天皇), Okinagatarashihime-no-mikoto (息長足姫命), Hime-no-ookami (姫大神), Ukanomitama-no-mikoto (倉稲魂命), Sugawara no Michizane (菅原道真公), and Shiotsuchinoikina-no-mikoto (塩土翁命).

The origin of the shrine traces back when the fifth shogun of the Edo Shogunate, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, enshrined the deity of Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Otokoyama of Yamashiro no kuni (Kyoto).  The shrine served as a guardian deity of the kimon of Edo Castle and one of the shrines the Tokugawa Family used for prayers.  The official name of the shrine was Iwashimizu Hachimangu, but was commonly called Kuramae Hachiman or Higasi Iwashimizugu.  The shrine was administered by the betto-ji, Otokoyamadaigoin.

Shrine office
The shrine caught on fire 39 years after it was founded and moved to Asakura Mishima-cho.  The shrine moved again to Kuramae (Hachiman-cho).

In 1841, the Narita Fudo (Narita-san Otabi) was moved inside the shrine under the order of the shogunate.

After the Great Ansei Earthquake, the shogunate donated a pagoda, Oosegakito, in 1857.

During the Meiji period, under the order of the separation of Shintoism and Buddhism, the betto-ji of Otokoyamadaigoin was abolished, Narita Fudo was moved to Fukawa in 1869, and Oosegakito was moved to Higasi Koyasan in Nerima-ku.

In November 1878, the name of the shrine was changed from Iwashimizu Hachimangu to Iwashimizu Jinja, but was changed back to Iwashimizu Hachimangu in April 1886.

The shrine burned down during the Great Kanto Earthquake in September 1923 and during World War II in March 1945.  In September 1947, the shrine merged with Kitano Tenmangu (北野天満宮) and the neighboring Inari Jinja and the name of the shrine was changed to Kuramae Jinja.  In October 1995, the subordinate shrine of Shiogama Jinja (鹽竈神社) was merged.

There is a subordinate shrine of Fukutoku Inari Jinja (福徳稲荷神社).

Fukutoku Inari Jinja (福徳稲荷神社)

The shrine is home to the cat, Ponta.

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