





合格おめでとう! では次のレッスンに進んでください。

[PR] 旬の英語素材を毎月お届け。1000時間ヒアリングマラソン


[PR] 旬の英語素材を毎月お届け。1000時間ヒアリングマラソン

#1. Rough estimations are reported on the 10th of every month and ( ) values are reported on the 20th of every month.

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#2. ( ) is the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist).

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#3. ( ) is to make something start to exist or start to happen.

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#4. Improve the following translation to match the original Japanese sentence:「ご尊父様の訃報に接し、あなたとご家族の皆様に心よりお悔み申し上げます」= I would like to offer my sincere condolence to you and your family because your father has died.

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#5. The average (arithmetic mean) of a list of 6 numbers is 20. If we remove one of the numbers, the average of the remaining numbers is 15. What is the number that was removed? ? The removed number could be obtained by difference between the sum of original 6 numbers and the sum of remaining 5 numbers i.e. sum of original 6 numbers – sum of remaining 5 numbers.

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#6. It sound like a very ( ) project. I’d like to see it for myself sometime.「本格的なプロジェクト」

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#7. You can say that ( ). I am sick and tired of getting on the scales after yet another business trip.

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#8. Kate will be leaving at the end of the month, so I want you to advertise and ( ) for a permanent, full-time secretary.

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#9. ( ) candidates will be invited to a second and final interview. Thank you for coming.

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#10. Randy, I noticed that you have been using your cell phone for personal conversations a lot during the last couple of days. I understand that sometimes you have to take care of private matters during the business hours, but your personal use seems ( ) to me.

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