When you are planning to come Okinawa , Japan

And interested in Scuba diving

Press this botton


Book Appointment from Coubic


Date : 2018 / 2 / Oct 

Weather :    Rain and strong wind

Wind :   South West

Air temp 27.2 ℃      Water temp 26.2 ℃


Dive site #1 Sunabe sea wall No 1 Entry 11:28 Exit 12:24 Dive time 56min

MaxDepth 21.0m AveDepth 13.8m

We got huge typhoon , storm , hurricane at beginning of Oct , 2018 .
Fortunately we didn't get big damage at my shop and car and my family etc .
But my office , dive sites got big damege .
Behind my shop .
Collapsed fence and broken way .
Front of entry point of Sunabe sea wall .
The piece of stone was floated and blow up by big wave to on the car .
Also the was floated and move and down to side channel .
Today we went to check dive at Sunabe sea wall .
The chain for biginner is still here . But many big stone on the it .
We removed them from top of chain .
Visibility is no good and looks like Under Water Wilderness .
The post was moved to deeper . However still there .
And we saw many creatures .
There are still 3 Nimo family .
Pipe fish came with typhoon swells .
Can you see ? Clear shrimp
Some coral also got damege but we wish getting better quickly .
Expected nature power is strong .
We will sea good thing and bad thing from nature and we feel we are very small .
So always be humility and respect for ocean .
The typhoon is going to main land of Japan .And we will get big one next week again .
Hope no more big damege and everybody keep safety .

We will show you colorful species of marine fish .


Please join us to enjoy Okinawan diving !!


Thank you for reading , See you next time !





沖縄は 強烈な勢力を持った台風25号に見舞われました


地上 海中 ともに われらが砂辺をはじめ

いたるところに 痛ましい傷跡の残していきました


幸運なことに TOYO自身 店などや 家族などに大きな被害が無かったです


そして今日は 砂辺NO1の水中を調査に行ってきました


ポストは移動して 鎖も大きな岩の下敷きになっていたり

サンゴの根が割れたり ひっくり返ったり 

被害はありましたが ニモ家族は無事だったり

いろんな生き物が たくさんいてくれました


自然の脅威におののきながらも 自然の力強さにも期待し

これからも 大海に対して 謙虚であり 尊敬を持っていきましょう


これからこの台風は本州へ向かい 来週には次の台風が来ます

これ以上の被害が出ない事と みなさんの安全を祈ります










日々精進 和顔愛語

明日は どこへ 潜ろうか。。。





When you are planning to come Okinawa , Japan

And interested in Scuba diving

Press this botton


Book Appointment from Coubic






















































ダイビング ライセンス 沖縄だから 年中受付中!

外国人も 英語で 講習やファンダイビング 受けれます!

We have an under water tour for English speakers.

You can go Fun diving and Intro diving in Okinawa.

We have many dive sites in Okinawa.

Also we have a certification courses in English.





Okinawa Japan Kerama Islands Tonaki Aguni Yonaguni Manza Onna Dream Hole

Hedo USS EMMONS Ginowan Hammer head sharks





Welcome to


Diving menu

Fun diving tour for certificated divers

Intro / Discovery diving tour for no-certificated divers

Certificated course to be Scuba diver


Dive sites

Kerama Islands / Blue cave / Sunabe sea wall No1

Bolo point / Toilet bowl / Dream hole

USS EMMONS / Hedo air dome

Yonaguni Hammer head sharks / Under water ruins monuments


Please contact us feel free







ダイビング メニュー






慶良間諸島 / 真栄田岬 青の洞窟 / 砂辺No1

残波岬 / 恩納村ホーシュー / ドリームホール

沈船 エモンズ / 辺戸岬 エアドーム

ハンマーヘッドシャーク / 与那国海底遺跡
