結弦パワー! Energy Charge! | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments


こんにちは! Hi, there!


The sky is missing the golden sunlight though. . . .




(ありがとう、Language of Skateさん!)

On such a day like today with thick clouds, really missing our shining “SUN”!!

(thanks, Language of Skate!!)








今日は、ちょっぴりお仕事したさ・・ってかね、ま、サラはとっくにじじ、ばばのことがあるから、内勤1年以上していないけど、うちの事務所、2月半ばから今もず~っとほとんどの職員が居所!(世にいうテレワーク)ってかさぁ・・どうなるのか、先が本当にまだまだ見えない状態なんだよね・・ま、どっちにしても、今のサラは、じじ、ばばに左右される日々だけどね・・・と、思わず愚痴ってる?ははは!ごめん!ってか、いろんなことあるとね、しみじみと結弦君の存在の大きさと言うか、(勝手にね!)心の支えになっていること、実感するし・・そして、なぜか始めたブログで、いろんな結弦君ファンと知り合えたことにも、本当に感謝!そして、幸せ者だなぁって感じるわ!えへへ、ちょっと照れちゃうけど・・・改めて    皆さん、ありがとう!

Although, sometimes Sarah do her work at home, and because of her old parents, Sarah hasn’t work in her office for many months but only at home or place nearby, however since mid-February, the most of officers and staff are working at home too, even now. Well, can’t see our future at all now. Anyway, the main worry for Sarah is about her parents thoug . . . . Well, Sarah doesn’t want to talk about such though, however, whenever even depressed, at the same time feel so happy, well, since watching Yuzu’s skating and others, get power to move forward, at the same time, through this blog, now feel so united (?) or relived though exchanging comments. Thanks!








Oops, anyway, now it’s a kind of routine that Sarah watches Prince Crystal every day! Well, last week Toshl too recalled some episodes of FaOI last year, but, ha! ha! ha! really Toshl is a great singer! How can he manage himself?? You know, it’s for sure that Yuzu looked at Toshl’s eyes at this moment!!!






And this Yuzu often come to Sarah’s dream, looks so lovely!!!!





No particular topic today? Oops, true, well, anyway, lastly,

here’s the beautiful angel smile!!!


訪問ありがとう! Thanks!




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