Moon Jae-in ’s “economic killing” policy,
Screams coming from the central bank of Korea
  Professor, Faculty of Economics, Shinshu University
The economic policy of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)
has been criticized by the industry !
【Takeda / Jun 】 2019/02/06

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Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1953.

After graduating

from Hitotsubashi University School of Commerce in 1976, joined Daiichi Kangyo Bank.

After being transferred to the University

of London Graduate School of Business and Merrill Lynch,

Mizuho Research Institute Chief Researcher.

Currently a professor at Hosei University Graduate School of Policy Creation.

Standing director of the Association for Behavioral Economics.

FP association council member.

He has authored books such as "Day when Japan Becomes Greece"

and "Introduction to Behavioral Economics".


Japanese comments


There seems to be no doubt that the Korean economy is being killed.

There is a group in Japan that should be called pro-Korean,

It may direct the Japanese government to make compromises and support.
But never make concessions according to them.

You should avoid repeating previous mistakes.

For Korea, I think it is important to keep a distance and respond coldly.

Recommendation   1748   Opposition 31

That's great.

The goal of President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) is to unify the divided state,

A change in the current capitalist system is essential.

Believing is important as a politician,

Politicians who make the nation and people unhappy

with false beliefs are only social evils.

It is very welcome that his country South Korea loses

its national power and loses its international influence.

I want the presidents of the inclined countries

to do their best to maintain the government,

Nevertheless, it is strange that there are people who support him.

Recommendation   1516   Opposition 26

I think Korean people are really aiming for unification of the north and south.

In that sense, it is tremendous action power.

I don't respect it at all.

Recommendation   1396   Opposition 25

If there was no Japanese market and there was China,

it would be okay if you thought it was okay.

Did you forget the third lesson?
Diplomacy that is full of enemies is one of the best in the world.

Recommendation   312   Opposite 0

If Korea doesn’t work with Japan and the US,

I wondered if China or Russia would try to join

I can't feel that kind of atmosphere.
As an entity that exhausts Japan and the United States

from the inside in the Japan-US-Korea Alliance,

I think it's just a little out of Korea.
Angered the United States by listening to Chinese,

Even if there is a country that is hitting a missile next door,

destroying GSOMIA with allies,

What country is South Korea trying to get along with?
What do you want to do in Korea?

Recommendation   304   Opposite 4


At this point, I have to admit that 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) is a genius.

Recommendation   354   Opposite 4

It is a very good trend.
I would like you to move forward toward the collapse in the future.
Like your country is always proud
I want you to show me where you are in the world.
It is only necessary

for Japan to look at the state of neighboring countries without touching it.

Recommendation   225   Opposite 0

In order to unify the north and south,

it is necessary to narrow the economic gap between the two countries.

It is easier to unify that way.

It is his careful political skills to make

the Korean economy sluggish and make it easier to unite.

I think he ’s a great president with a view to the future.

The unification of the north and south solves everything.


Recommendation   108   Opposite 0

The best government you have chosen has opened up a wonderful future!

Recommendation   213   Opposite 3

The “economic killing” policy means the collapse of the Korean economy,

The functioning of the economy stabilizes people's lives,

Denies maintaining and maintaining security.
In his country, South Korea,

now the meetings and demonstrations have a certain level of security,

Even if a mob comes out of pessimism and anxiety in the future,

It seems to be looking away from approaching.
However, thanks to the president who was chosen by the people.

In the merger with Unilateral North,

I can't escape from the flower garden

that has long been a fantasy-filled concept.
Not good, even if the Japanese government decides to break off relations .
For now, I don’t understand why GSOMIA ’s destruction will be destroyed.

Japan don't want to be swayed by Korea

Recommendation   131   Opposite 1

Financially dangerous,

No, there ’s a president, 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인),

who is an economic genius.

The hourly wage rises,

and happiness makes Japan happy without economic sanctions.

I will come to Kangoku 勧国(Recommendation Prison Korea )

next year without permission.

Recommendation   128   Opposite 0

Because it is intentional, only the public knows or does not know.

I think 80 % of the steps to the north and unification are complete.

If you call the general, it ’s done, but it ’s currently blocked.

Recommendation   107   Opposite 0

Mun ’s goal has been achieved.

Surely, I would have responded better than anyone if I was serious,

He would have made an economy on the bottom

and the bottom to unify under the leadership of the North.

A really wonderful president. For Japan.

Recommendation   108   Opposite 0


“The important thing is the approval rate and the safety after leaving.

The economy doesn't matter.”

Recommendation   162   Opposite 1

President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) is so bad

I think you're moving in the wrong direction.

It seems that the current Korean economy is going well ...

I have never heard a negative statement about the economy.

I want you to shake it optimistically because the economy is a concern.

Originally, people are pessimistic

Economic policy should be such that the people below are optimistic,

but vice versa ...

Recommendation   63   Opposite 0

After believing what you can't do and believing your abilities,

you won't see the truth.
Listen as if you want to hear advice from others.
Prediction that is likely to become a person

who is not good and leaves a name in history.

Recommendation   46   Opposite 0


I want the 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration to go as far as it goes.
I would like to see what is ahead.

Recommendation   73   Opposite 0

I've been learning about Korean news for the past few months,

Koreans may not be suitable for capitalism.
I think I should start practicing mass games in preparation for the coming time.

Recommendation   28   Opposite 0

The idea that the economy is going well

There are two ideas in Korea that the economy is heading for collapse.
Both are correct, thank you for dividing Korea into two.

Keep feelings ugly! If possible, hope to further subdivide!

I am very happy when the peninsula falls apart in a weak state.

Recommendation   18   Opposite 0

Although said to be dangerous,

the numbers announced by the government are not such.
Which is true? Either one is fine,

There is no doubt that Japan should never take measures to help Korea.

Recommendation   3   Opposite 0