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ドイツのミュージシャン、 "Jørg”について紹介させてください。35年以上もヨーロッパで活動している "Jørg”の情報は日本ではあまり知られていませんが、機会があれば是非、聴いてみてもらいたいと思います。
Artist / Music

[Music story in 3 minutes] Naoya Matsuoka / “Natsu no Tabi” That summer comes back

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Artist / Music

【3分で読む音楽話】松岡直也 /『夏の旅』あの夏がよみがえる

Artist / Music

[Music story in 3 minutes] “Spain” A masterpiece that remains in music history

"Spain" is a famous song by jazz pianist Chick Corea and is known as one of his masterpieces. The song is based on flamenco music and has a complex composition that incorporates elements of jazz and Latin music. The song was released in 1971 and has been played all over the world ever since. It has also been covered and sampled by various artists, making it one of the most famous songs in jazz history.
Artist / Music

【3分で読む音楽話】「Spain」(スペイン) 音楽史に残る名曲

Artist / Music

[Music story in 3 minutes] A masterpiece in rock history TOTO / “TOTO IV” (Sacred Sword)

"TOTO IV" is the fourth studio album by the American rock band TOTO, released in 1982. The album won six Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year, and is widely recognized as the band's masterpiece. The album reflects the band's musical versatility, with songs that skillfully blend genres such as melodic pop, hard rock, soul, and jazz. In addition, "Africa", which is particularly famous among the recorded songs, has become a worldwide hit song, and its unique rhythm and chorus are loved by many people. This work is still highly regarded by many music fans as a masterpiece that fully demonstrates TOTO's musicality and talent.
Artist / Music

【3分で読む音楽話】ロック史に残る名作 TOTO / 『TOTO IV』(聖なる剣)

「TOTO IV」は、1982年にリリースされたアメリカのロックバンドTOTOの4枚目のスタジオアルバムです。本作は、グラミー賞でアルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤーを含む6つの賞を受賞し、バンドの代表作として広く認知されています。アルバムは、メロディアスなポップス、ハードロック、ソウル、ジャズなどのジャンルを巧みに融合させた楽曲で構成されており、バンドの多彩な音楽性を反映しています。また、収録曲の中でも特に有名な「アフリカ」は、世界的なヒット曲となり、その独特なリズムやコーラスが多くの人々に愛されています。本作は、TOTOの音楽性や才能を存分に発揮した名盤として、今なお多くの音楽ファンから高く評価されています。

[Music story in 3 minutes] Playing guitar and bass. Start with tuning

Tuning is essential before playing an instrument. Tuners are commonly used for guitars and basses. There are many different types of tuners, including box-type, clip-type, and pedal-type. There is also a smartphone app tuner. It may be a good idea to install a tuner app on your smartphone in case the tuner breaks down. Tuning is also important to enjoy playing.


Artist / Music

[Music story in 3 minutes] BOSTON / “More Than A Feeling”

"More than a feeling" is the opening track of BOSTON's debut album "Boston". Released in 1976, it has been used in many movies, TV shows and commercials. It features a unique sound that fuses hard rock and pop sounds, and the album production took place over a long period of time, making use of the engineering knowledge Tom Schultz learned at MIT. The lyrics about the main character immersed in memories and trying to regain himself after losing himself express the emotions he feels when he listens to music.
Artist / Music

【3分で読む音楽話】BOSTON /「More Than A Feeling」

「More than a feeling」は、BOSTONのデビューアルバム「Boston」のオープニングトラックである。1976年にリリースされ、多くの映画やテレビ番組、コマーシャルで使用されています。ハードロックとポップサウンドが融合した独特のサウンドが特徴であり、トム・シュルツがMITで学んだエンジニアリングの知識が生かされたアルバム制作が長期にわたり行われました。主人公が思い出に浸り、自分を失った後、自分を取り戻そうとする歌詞は、音楽を聴いた時の感情を表しています。
English version

[Music Story in 3 Minutes] What is the difference between an “artist” and a “musician”?

To summarize the difference between an artist and a musician, an artist is someone who creates, performs, and expresses music, and has an aspect of identity and branding. On the other hand, a musician is a person who plays music, plays a role in complementing the music of the artist,


Artist / Music

[Music story in 3 minutes] Do you know the “Take It Easy statue” commemorating the Eagles “Take It Easy”?

The Eagles formed in Los Angeles in 1971 and their music is known as America's West Coast Sound. Led by Glenn Frey and Don Henley, they created music that blended elements of country, folk and rock, gaining popularity for their unique sound. Their debut single "Take It Easy", released in 1972, is a song loved by many fans, and in Flagstaff, Arizona, there is a statue created after the lyrics of "Take It Easy". It is said to have been inspired by the scenery of the canyon that the Eagles members visited during their stay in Arizona.