Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

初めてのパンプキンパッチ (The first-time Pumpkin Patch)

2020-10-27 12:36:19 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing there?

So, we're going to have Halloween at the end of this month, but MN department of health or other relevant resources to COVID-19 advises against typical Halloween events such as door to door trick or treating or gathering at parties. So, Andy and I are thinking to give up our usual way to enjoy Halloween this year too.

We usually don't host or go to a Halloween party or something, but still get some candies, decorate the house and make Jack-O-Lanterns so that we can greet and welcome trick or treaters every year.


Holloween 2019! - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Holloween 2019! - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Just like I said first here, there's advice from MN health department about COVID-19 and we want to follow them, but we'll still want to find a good compromised way to enjoy Halloween in the year of Corona.

We usually get pumpkins at a nearby grocery store, but this year we hesitate to go in a store with all of us together. Luckily, we got to know that there was a temporary pumpkin patch close to our house and decided to go there together.

This place is a popular diner just open in summer.

We pass by this diner very often since it's so close to our house, but I got to know that they're open as a pumpkin patch there this year. I'm not sure if they open this temporary store every year or not.

We hadn't gone out with all of us for a while and it was the first time for May-chan to visit a pumpkin patch.

It was outdoor and not crowded at all unlike other popular pumpkin patches at farms or something, so we could easily keep social distance from anybody else there. (We're the only customers at the time.)

From this selection of pumpkins, each of us picked one.

May'-chan was having much fun too.

We all could find 1 favorite pumpkin and finished the payment. (May-chan picked one on her own this year too!)

A couple of years ago, Andy and I were late to go to get pumpkins and couldn't find any at the grocery store near out house.

So, I worked at Caribou back then and saw a small garden store selling pumpkins on the way to work, so I stopped by the shop and got a couple of pumpkins there that year.

Their pumpkins were nice and good shaped, but so pricy!! I don't remember the exact number, but I think that I paid about $50 for 2 medium sizes and 1 small size which we usually got.

So, I was a little bit worried about the price at the newly found store in the neighbor, but it was a little over $20 for 3 pumpkins. (Phew!)

Their pumpkins were actually in good shapes too, so I want to buy pumpkins for Halloween every year if they're open there again.

We usually carve pumpkins to Jack-O-Lanterns a couple of days or a day before Halloween, so I want to keep the pumpkins safe until then from the monster May-chan for sure.

Yeah, right from the day that we got the pumpkins, the monster May-chan treated them so harsh already!

May-chan has been really into playing with light switches lately, so she wanted to use the biggest pumpkin to reach the newly found switch. Haha.

I moved the pumpkins to the other side right after this, but I don't know if they're going to be safe until Halloween.

Anyways, this is all about May-chan's first pumpkin hunt! Thank you for reading again!!!

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