48,205 回視聴 2024/03/15 #surfboards

Dane Reynolds Breaksdown the Dumpster Diver 2. The idea for this board came when Dane was riding his original Dumpster Diver while filming "Out of the Rafters" edit for Chapter 11 last year. He was was tripping out how how tiny and short the Dumpster Diver felt and wanted to build a longer - modernized version that still tapped into the magic of the original. The DD2 has a wider nose and tail, more nose and tail rocker, and a more subtle single concave. These updates, among other tweaks, allow the board to excel in a wider range of conditions and letting your rip as hard as you think you do. Dane also made a special set of fins for the board, that will work well in other designs if you like that slightly 2+1 feel. Ride 1" shorter than your Happy Everyday. Find more on the DD2 here: https://cisurfboards.com/products/dum... Watch Dumpster Diver 2 Small Wave Support Group video here:    • The DUMPSTER DIVER 2   #DaneReynolds #DumpsterDiver2 #surfboards














・唇 / 口腔 / 咽頭ガン






・気管 / 気管支 / 肺ガン




そういうことだ。(ファイザーの70年非開示予定の報告書(裁判所命令で公開された)にある通りではないか。スパイクタンパクの最終滞留臓器は、生殖器。実はこれ、放射能物質も同じ。とにかく3.11当時、世界中の現場経験豊か(過酷事故(露米)も、再処理工場・重水炉(仏米露加印)も含む、オーストラリア(世界最大のウラン採掘工場、しかも原発は保有していない)もな)なトップキュレータを総動員してわかったことを一言で言えば、”Genetic Instability”皆異口同音にそのことを口にした。)







Grateful to spend the last week of 2023 surfing the wave that shaped me as a surfer and the community around it that helped shaped me as a person.
This is from the big thursday. One of the biggest and cleanest days I’ve surfed. It was packed in the morning but as the swell pulsed it cleared out. This photo captures a moment of solitude in an otherwise hectic day 😂🤘🏾🤘🏾
Pic @ollukas
#connercoffin #Rincon #805 #powersurfing #firing






















940,297 回視聴 2023/12/05

When Torren Martyn and Aiyana Powell borrowed the 35ft sailing boat 'Calypte' and departed from the east coast of Thailand in early 2022, they had a combined sailing experience of only a few days. The one requirement of their charter was to eventually deliver the boat to Eastern Indonesia. They could learn as they went, get a few friends with sailing experience to help through the tricky bits and pick up as much as possible from them along the way. With this plan, the pair embarked onto the South China Sea, headed up through the Strait of Malacca and around the tip of Sumatra; out into the Indian Ocean on a year-long expedition in search of waves. What seemed like an idyllic journey didn’t come easy. It was difficult to anticipate the challenges of the sleepless nights, the endless rolling and tossing of the boat, the breakdowns, the relentless maintenance and confined space. But adventures always seem sweeter if it really feels like you had to work to get there. A film by Ishka Folkwell & Torren Martyn - Produced by needessentials