President Moon Jae-in's diplomatic brain

『Korea shall grown too big. The United States shall no choice but to need South Korea more than Japan. 』
September 7, 2021




There is a person who is said to be the designer of the so-called "Korean Peninsula Peace Process" of the Moon Jae-in Government.

Kim Gi-jung is the director of the National Security Strategy Research Institute.

He has served as a policy advisor from the Roh Moo-hyun government, and has participated as a think tank since Mr. Moon Jae-in was a presidential candidate.

Now that Governor Lee Jae-myung has declared that he will inherit President Moon Jae-in's North-South policy, how does Director Kim view the relationship between Japan, South Korea, the United States, China, and North Korea?

It says, "Korea has grown too big. The United States will rely on South Korea because it was not as actively involved in checking against China as it was in Japan. "


Below, [ソウル新聞から引用してみますI will quote from the Seoul Shinmun].

<< ~ >> is the quoted part.




李在明: イ・ジェミョン(이재명, Lee Jae-myung)


[김기정 인터뷰 2] “아프간 사태 이후 미국이 이래라저래라 못할 것”

[Kim Ki-jung Interview 2] “After the Afghan crisis, the US will not be able to do this and that”

Article input 2021.09.07. 5:07 am Scrap original article



キム・ギジョン(김기정 Kim Ki-jung), the director of the National Security Strategy Research Institute, known as the designer of the Korean Peninsula Peace Process, said on the 6th that the Moon Jae-in Government, which has only eight months left in an interview with the Seoul Newspaper Peace Research Institute, is going abroad. It clarifies how the relationship should be completed.

Dojunsuk reporter pado@Л

The content of the interview with Kim Ki-jung (65), the director of the National Security Strategy Research Institute, which has not been posted on the ground on the 7th, is posted.

Director Kim is known as the designer of the Korean Peninsula peace process, which is the core of the Moon Jae-in government's unification and foreign policy.

--The limits of the Moon Jae-in government are clearly visible.

"Although it is the limit of the five-year corps system, it is a short time to convince South Korea that it must go to peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries and the United States, and that it will benefit these countries. ..

It is great to persuade and participate in countries that take division as a matter of course, no matter how big the Korean people's aspirations and imagination for drawing the future, and judge that division is rather good for pursuing their own understanding.

Not only the efforts of the administration and the government, but also the reflection and imagination of the people living in this era must be aggregated.

Through the 2018 licorice, we have hoped that we will be on the head of the Cold War order.

――What kind of person must be the next leader?

"Historical insight into what division and unity mean, envisioning the future, with the belief that peaceful coexistence on the Korean Peninsula will bring stability to Northeast Asia as a whole, shattered by the inertia of division and the Cold War stays. I want you to become a person who leads to imagination and aspirations without retreating history by political judgment. "

――There are many views that the United States will further annoy South Korea after the situation in Afghanistan.

「I feel that the mechanism for exchanging security and autonomy has completely changed since the Korea-US summit meeting.

<・・South Korea has become a more valuable presence in the international community for the United States due to economic growth, military growth, increased pride and civilization, and successful civilian-based epidemics.

It can be said that the United States has acknowledged that Japan has entered the middle of the siege to China that the United States thinks, while South Korea stands one step further.

Unlike Japan, South Korea has room to move freely.

I think the more intensifying the US-China conflict, the more important our diplomatic flexibility will be.

Washington politics would have begun to decide that it would be good for the US national interest to take full advantage of South Korea, which is one step back.

The United States wants to play political games, but it is far more efficient to strengthen South Korea, which is a middle power in the middle, than Japan, which pushes South Korea to the Chinese side.

During the 100 years after the Napoleonic Wars, Europe was stable thanks to the strengthening of Central Europe.

Of course, there was a side effect that Central Europe became stronger and was inspired by the First and Second World Wars.

The United States has to move not only South Korea but also North Korea to play a bigger political game, but it seems lost because of the absence of a grand strategist like Henry Kissinger. ..

This is the first situation in which China's influence has declined and China has risen sharply.

Since Corona, the international order has been atypical and has a high ground to be unraveled, and it has not been possible to find a way to do so, and it seems that only discourses from the early Cold War are borrowed.

Kissinger's method was to have China point its muzzle at the Soviet Union, but perhaps the United States wants a big game where South Korea and even North Korea point their sword at China.

However, he still seems hesitant to move to that stage.

The United States will not move to put pressure on South Korea's inconvenient psychological dependence, saying, "We will withdraw US forces in South Korea," as in the past.

So South Korea has grown too big to do so.

South Korea has become a country that can provide too much benefit to the United States. " 」・・>

――What is the essence of the US-China conflict?

"Even though the power relationship between the two countries has changed and it is a conflict, it will go on for quite a long time.

There will be various levels such as philosophy, international division of labor structure, and standardization competition. The most basic is psychological anger.

Half the population is amplifying the competition for power and structure.

Diplomacy could be successfully sutured, but it seems that sectoral leg axes will continue to reignite the overall competition.

It will have diplomatic flexibility in what South Korea should do.

Rather than losing subjectivity, the story is that even if you tactically lean to one side, you will not miss the other, and you will have room to choose later.

As US-China relations intensify, more countries will see damage.

Europe, maybe Japan, Australia, India, etc. that don't pretend like that.

There will come a time when you can't see with your arms crossed.

Leading and actively participating in the Confederation of Intermediate States also increases flexibility. Diplomacy could be applied to looking for an attack direction by turning the body back and forth with the center on the pivotal foot.

I want you to be prepared at this point to put a tactical center of gravity in different countries and move creatively to play different roles. "

--What is the lesson that the situation in Afghanistan gives us?

"After the end of World War II, US diplomatic means were military power.

Some say that 90% of US diplomacy comes from the defense budget. It seems that the side effects and failures of the method of solving the US foreign problems by military force appeared in Afghanistan following Vietnam and Iraq.

The reason for making the iron army decision against Afghanistan was that the Afghans had no "will to fight", but in 1905, when the United States cut off diplomatic relations with Korea and withdrew. At the time of Siadoor Rusbert, it reminds us that the US president said that Koreans had no "will to defensa" to defend themselves.

We showed how powerlessly the government, which relied solely on foreign support and money, would collapse, but we were united with the intention of not repeating the mystery of 1910 with the world's sixth-largest military force. I think it's a very wrong story to think, "It looks like that after making a false comparison."

――It seems difficult for the Moon Jae-in government to normalize Korea-Japan relations.

Which do you see as wrong, the Moon Jae-in government or Japan?

"It is important to find a good balance between a government, international affairs, and domestic affairs.

The main reason why the Sunshine Policy was so successful during the Kim Dae-Jung government was to explain earlier that it was in line with the international order before reestablishing domestic and North-South Korean relations. It seems it was.

However, it seems that the Moon Jae-in government decided that it would be more urgent to develop North-South relations and that it should be persuaded later.

It was Japan that felt that way was the most alienated at this time.

At that time, I think that the fact that Japan did not proceed in parallel in the direction of developing North Korean relations in search of understanding has returned to the expensive price of sabotage play in Hanoi.

However, Japan considers that the fundamental responsibility for distorted Korea-Japan relations is greater.

There has been an anti-Korean atmosphere for a long time, and the conservative government was united with the right wing.

The Abe administration abused this politically. It is in conflict with the 19th Century History Museum in Japan and the 21st Century History Museum in South Korea.

South Korea believes that it should proceed to peaceful coexistence, although it has been divided, but Japan has not escaped from the old value that managing division and hostility is in line with its own interests.

An irreconcilable separation (separation, widening) occurred between the Moon Jae-in government and the Abe Cabinet.

The logic that the Moon Jae-in government mistakenly ruined diplomatic relations with Japan is a very unfair criticism.



――How can you properly resolve the Korea-Japan relations?

"Both countries are at the head of the 1965 regime and should move on to the next stage, but they are not.

The 1955 system tried to break the two ties of anti-communism and colonial liquidation, but while the former easily agreed, the latter could not be solved at all and was sewn together. ..

At the base of this was the aspiration to be incorporated into the lower part of Japan in the structure of the world division of labor.

The two governments agreed on issues such as the atomic bomb, the recruitment of Sakhalin, and the comfort women, but the circle of anti-communism disappeared before I knew it.

No alternative strategic shared interests could be found.

With colonial liquidation, even the linking ring has reached a border where it explodes not by the government but by the private sector.

It's not about moving to diplomatic suturing.

Peace must be a common strategic interest instead of anti-communism, but Japan wants to agree in anti-china.

We should proceed to a historic reconciliation that includes colonial liquidation, but Japan cannot rest.

So I think I'm experiencing the pain of the last body pain.

The first step will be for Japan to understand that it must contribute to the peace of the Korean Peninsula and that it can share its interests.

――What should our national strategy be?

"I would like to call it de-facto unification, in which conflicts coexist and the two countries' systems are recognized but move together.

If you have one market and one money, it will be like Europe, and you have other governments and troops, but if you have armament control and military trust building, the cost of unification is the most expensive. I believe it is a small method.

The next government must ensure peaceful coexistence institutionally. Returning to hostile order will burden future generations.

It must be a national strategy to persuade and recognize the international community in a diplomatic framework for peaceful coexistence.

It is necessary to create an inclusive national debate through the elimination of polarization, a society that respects the community instead of the survival logic of each individual, further expanding the concept of security, and the truth to create a society that is safe and secure from various crises. I want the national strategy to create a safety concept that means.

Lim Byung-sung Peace Research Institute Secretary-General





First of all, maybe the idea of ​​the person who designed the concept that the word "peace" is included, this is ..., it seems that the already cloudy heart will turn black.
Depending on the time of the interview, if you were "accepted to take a step back", what was the last Five Eyes proposal?

"Too much profit" is said on the surface, but at the point when the epidemic is somehow "just arranging something like that".
The real intention is the so-called "Korean driver theory (Korea mediates US-North Korea relations)" on the premise that "the United States needs North Korea."
"The North-South cooperation can mediate US-North Korea relations and give us a diplomatic advantage over Japan."

It's just the same story as the Moon Jae-in government's pro-North Korean policy.
By the way, North Korea is said to depend on China for more than 90% of its economy.
Such North Korea cannot point its spear to China together with South Korea.
It may come if both North Korea and South Korea point their muzzle at the United States (Japan and the United States).





安倍晋三 Shinzo Abe


The 15th president 金大中,キム・デジュン (김대중,Kim Dae-jung)

During his tenure in May 2002, his third son was arrested the following month when his eldest son and second son were found to have received billions of yen in bribes from companies.
Kim apologizes to the public on behalf of his sons.

「過去の問題を持ち出さない,Don't bring up past problems, 과거사 문제를제기하지」



The visit of the representative of the suzerain is an honor of 『client state 属国(vassal state,종속국)』

The 19th president 文在寅, ムン・ジェイン (문재인, Moon Jae-in)
「韓国政府は「和解・癒やし財団」の解散,The Korean government dissolves the 「Reconciliation and HealingFoundation, 한국 정부는 '화해·치유 재단'의해산」
「自称徴用工判決,Self-proclaimed forced victim workers judicial decision, 자칭강제징용피해자사 법적 결정」
【tell me! Watanabe]
Answer to South Korea「New Kono Statement 新河野談話」 shows the future! [Sakura桜 R1 / 7/21]




尹美香,ユン・ミヒャン(윤미향, Yoon Mi-hyang, )

KOREAN Comfort women (慰安婦,p군사 매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부) FESTIVAL 2011
• 2011/07/12

Korea claimed 慰安婦(p군사매춘부 Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)



Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military
A woman who used to be a soldier's sex partner mainly in the battlefield.
Generally speaking, the comfort women often refer to the Japanese military comfort women.
The name "comfort women" is also used by the South Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
During the Korean War, it was also called「Special Comfort Corps (特殊慰安隊, 특수위안대(Special comfort zone) )」or「Class V Supplies (제5종보급품,第5種補給品)」
In additive on, women with synonyms also exist in the German and French troops.、
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Mediators widely recruited through newspaper advertisements and hired Japanese women in the mainland as comfort women
Most of the mediators were Chosun people(조선 사람, Joseon salam, 朝鮮人, Koreans of Japan-Korea merger era)

Demonstration of South Korean pprostitute "Let's we will can pprostitute"
The7th anniversary of the enactment of a special law on sexual transactions in May 2011.
In South Korea, more than 1,000 prostitutes demonstrated legalizing prostitution.

JoongAng Ilbo(中央日報, 중앙일보)2006.06.21
Los Angeles Police Department officials
"90%of the 70-80 prostitutes arrested each month are South Koreans."
Girl statue(少女像, 소녀상, sonyeosang) in front of the Japanese Consulate
A bronze statue that is said to imitate the comfort women of the former Japanese army, which are mainly installed in the Republic of Korea.
慰安婦 (p군사매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military

Claimed Korea 強制徴用工(Forced workers,자칭강제동원 징용공)
(Self-proclaimed forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자)」
『朝鮮半島出身応募労働者(Applicant Workers From the Korean Peninsula)』


징용공 「잔혹스토리」는 한국이 아닌 일본이 낳은 이미지였다
「Cruel story Chosun people transportation for forced labor」is an image made by the anti-Japanese left wing of Japan, not Korea.

[In the first place of the Self-proclaimed forced victim workers problem]
Reverse billing from Japan to South Korea 8 trillion yen (about 76,238 million dollars, about 86,992.4 billion Korean won) !?
Watched 436,148 times
• 2019/06/13



In the mid- 1950s , Japanese photographer Koichi Saito (斎藤康一) filmed a scene of stealing coal from an abandoned mine in the Chikuho (筑豊) coalfield for the purpose of living the lives of poor Japanese people.



In September 1926 , when the Asahikawa (旭川) newspaper in Hokkaido reported the death-causing event of Japanese worker abuse at a road construction site.


A commemorative photo taken by Jung Sung-duk(チョン・ソンドゥク), who worked at the Shakubetsu (尺別) coal mine in Hokkaido, in 1941 with his colleagues.

In Korea and China under Japanese rule during World War II
Proceedings by former workers and their bereaved families who worked by recruiting Japanese companies or applying for them.
South Korea claims that former workers were treated like slaves
Many people litigate against multiple local Japanese companies
In the wage system for recruitment, the salary increases or decreases depending on the skill level.
At that time most of the cash delivery wages are around 110 yen, which is around 200,000 yen when converted to the current amount.