

Dystopia democracy: a world ruled by a global emperor with only Americans having the voting right /2

2021-06-09 | 時事

ディストピア民主主義: 米国人だけが投票権を持つ地球皇帝によって統治された世界

Part 2 Abstract:

4. Using daily easy language, I explained that the duet of chronic US trade deficit and the over-issuing of US$ as de-facto global currency is a blood-sucking from the world economy. This gives US a huge competitive edge over all others.
5. The long term effects of this blood-sucking is extremely worrisome. Backed up by the stolen wealth, the American military spending is already more than the sum of the next 12 countries and expanding faster. The current accumulative US trade deficit now stands at US$10 trillions, as US's budget deficit increases year over year, its accumulated trade deficit is destined to climb up US$ 20, 30, 40 trillions...in successively shorter time spans, hence the speeding-up of already huge blood-sucking. In this process, the dollar flood will flow out to the world, its percentage in the total money of the world grows, so US$'s position as global currency strengthens, will it someday displace all other currencies, so Bank of America become the central bank of the Earth? Furthermore, a positive feedback loop system has been formed so that the US advantages over the world is self-amplifying and at the expense of other countries. 
6. The real global threat is looming with many symptoms. We are on track to a dystopia democracy ruled by a global emperor (like Trump) with only Americans having the voting rights and where every country has to be submissive to the US empire which has done many evils in the past. The world's helplessness to the recent over-issuing of US$ as de-facto global currency, the rescinding of the Iran nuclear deal and the illegal sanction on Iran by US are such examples. And because of the positive feedback loop, the situation will only get worse.

←Part 1←

7. The duet of chronic US trade deficit and the over-issuing of US$ as de-facto global currency is a blood-sucking from the world economy, and the amount sucked is huge!

U.S. has chronic trade deficit with the world for some 30 years, at ~US$500 billions per year, with the accumulated amount well above $10,000 billions.

International trade should be a fair exchange in that you take as much as you give, so you import equal value of things as the value of things you export, or if you import more than you export, you have to give out something of real value to compensate, not a kiting cheque that has no practical value and even its potential value is constantly declining with inflation.

A trade deficit means the import value exceeds the export value, so there is a net inflow of things (goods and services), i.e. you take more than you give.  If country A has a trade deficit with country B, then we say country B has a trade surplus with country A, that's two sides of a coin. The trade deficit is compensated by money given by A to B. This money value is actually a logging of IOY (I owe you, in another word, debt) in the anticipation that in later time country A will export more to B than it imports from B, so the previous IOY will be canceled out or reduced. This is the normal and fair trade.

International trade is a game of give and take, all countries would like to give less and take more, you can achieve this by two ways of cheating (it's also stealing):  

  • Letting your IOY to increase forever. if your IOY can increase forever, then you are not returning back. It is like a leech sucking blood  continuously from its parasite host. 
  • Printing lots of new money and dispatching it to your citizens by social welfare or tax reduction etc., this is very easy and has virtually no cost. But it will cause inflation, the real value of money is then reduced, so the real worth of your country's IOYs to other countries will be reduced. For example, if the inflation rate is 50%, then you only need to export half as many goods and services to pay back your IOY.

US used both ways of cheating. The reason why US can do this is because US$ is the mostly used money in international trade, it's a de facto global currency. Since US control the issuing of US$, it can keep pumping put new US$ continuously, keep importing foreign things continuously, never run out money, so US's IOY to the world can increase forever to infinity. And during this process, inflation naturally occurs, US has accomplished both ways of the cheating (stealing).

The huge amount of IOY to the world by US is just like a huge kiting cheque, it now stands at ~US$10 trillions. To pay back this would require US to have a trade surplus at US$50 billions per year for 20 years, which is apparently never going to happen. So this is roughly the total wealth stolen from the world by US. To give you an idea of how much value US$10 trillions has, I give you a few examples. It can let you hire 5 millions top scientists at the salary of US$100K per year (for one year deficit) for 20 years (for total deficit), it can buy 1000 super aircraft carriers at US$10 billions each, or it can buy 100,000 F35 stealthy fighters at the price of US$100 millions each. So, you see that's a reason why US is so powerful and wealthy.

Americans not only use kiting cheques to buy goods and services, they also use kiting check to buy or gain control of foreign business, including some very sensitive business, such as the media. Money has different meanings for Americans, it's something that comes out of a printing machine, than for the rest of world, where it is a saving from earning as a return on hard work, and is backed up by real wealth produced by your people. Any country whose foreign currency reserve is not tight should consider putting restrictions on US investment.

As US issues more new money at ever increasing speed, global inflation is inevitable. All countries in the world will be stole from by US, no country can be immune. This is because all countries have US$ in its foreign exchange reserve. The more US$ you have, the more loss you will suffer.

Because of the blood-sucking from blood-donor countries, US gained huge competitive edge relative to all, including developed countries, mostly US's Allies, even though those are themselves not sucked much by US, because Americans can have more fund (If US prints more money, the inflation burden is distributed across the whole world, if your country prints money irresponsibly, the inflation is on your own.) to out-bid against any one for the best things on earth, whether it be company, technology or talents, and then use monopoly to achieve winner-take-all. The world is screwed by US because it's in a system designed by US. These are then turned into a huge power gap over the rest of the world. US makes use of the power gap to its full advantage, so US does not only bully third world countries, it also bully developed countries, such as Japan, Germany, etc. to maximize US national interests at the expense of its Allies' national interests. There has formed a positive feed-back loop mechanism for US advantages, so it is self-amplifying and the trend can hardly be stopped. This will be talked about later.

US is already bankrupt, it can't pay back its current huge debt (I mean the total of US$ owned by the world excluding US) with real wealth, the world should not accept any more new US$ from US, in other words, no more trade surplus with US, every new US$ is a new debt, and should limit or block new foreign investment from US. To continue to have trade surplus with US is like to give out things of value for nothing (and to a big bully), that's stupid. The reason why US$ has not depreciated dramatically is because its value is backed up by goods and services of other countries. In a nutshell, US spends money (generate IOYs) and consumes things made by other countries, these IOYs are then burdened on someone else instead of its original debtor (US). To be more specific, if it were a fair exchange, it's America's responsibility to later provide the commodity when those countries spend the money to buy things (equivalent to US paying back its IOY), but US would say, I have nothing to offer, find someone else from which to buy (get back) something of equal value to the IOY.

US also borrows money in the conventional sense, such as T-bond, but this is an extra debt.  Americans may argue that since it pays interests on the debt it owes, so it's not cheating or stealing or blood-sucking. But this argument is invalid, since, until US has a real trade surplus, it is not paying back anything real. Beside, the rate with which they pay interests is less than both the inflation rate and  the rate they make new borrowing, so it's more like a Ponzi scam.

Alarmingly, the US recently has greatly accelerated the speed of printing new money, and it can be predicted that the speed of the whale-swallowing of global goods and services by US (i.e. its annual trade deficit, or blood-sucking) will increase accordingly. Since the master of bankruptcy Trump came into power, the per-year US budget deficit (the newly printed US$!) has soared to US$1 trillion, and in 2020 the budget deficit reached US$ 3.3 trillions. This year (2021), the US has added US$1.9 trillion in covid19 relief funds on top of its usual budget deficit. In addition, it is going to add several trillions US dollars in infrastructure fund.

Why the over-issuing of US$ is such a big deal? Nowadays, government in most countries spends more money than its tax revenue, that's budget deficit, so it orders its central bank to print more money to make up the deficit. The extra money will usually be used for various public projects, the burden is also distributed on all the people in the country, through inflation. This is you pay for your own people's benefits, in addition, the budget deficit has to be approved by the parliament which you hold the voting right on them, so it's not that bad. However since US$ is the de facto global currency, so it's also valid money in every country in the world. But the right to raise US budget deficit and print more US$ belong to US government, which you have no control whatsoever. This money is only given to Americans, to cover the cost of bombings in Afghanistan, or nuclear submarines, or leisure trips of top US officials etc., but the burden (inflation etc.) is on all the people in the world, including you! In another words, for every country on earth, there is a second central bank outside its border, the US central bank. Now this bank is accelerating the money printing greatly, because Americans feel they really need more and more money, and they pretend it's none of your business. How do you feel about this?

US's military spending already exceeds the next 12 countries' combined sum. Actually, as long as the world allow US trade deficit to continue and to increase without restriction, US might be able to increase military spending and budget deficit to infinity ! American leaders always blame its trade deficit on others, but US trade deficit and budget deficit are strongly positive correlated, the US greediness is the real culprit. The reward for all the hard work and the natural resource bleeding put into the goods and service exported to US, is just some fat kiting cheques, plus ever-stronger US military power, the bullying and bombings and killings by US around the world, and an aggravating global inflation.


8. Humans raise cows for milk, termites raise aphids for honey, America raises a country for blood-sucking from its economy, that's one purpose of Indo-pacific strategy.

The primary parasite host countries that provide blood for US to suck from are the major trade surplus countries of America, there are:

  • 1970-2000, Japan.
  • 1990-now, China.
  • 1970-now, Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia etc.

As Japan and China fade out as its parasite host, US needs to nature a new country to replace them. The indo-pacific strategy has as its part the shifting-away of manufacturing supply chain from China, to less developed countries, of which India is an ideal candidate, having a huge population of cheap labors.

But it is hugely counter-productive to the global effort of reducing green gas emission. Since this shift won't lower China's emission much (Because China is already developed, having good infrastructure, a complete manufacture supply chain, and a well-educated workforce, you can't take those away), but will create anther China. India's population is exceeding China's, if US can succeed in shifting manufacturing supply chain away from China to less developed countries (India etc.), imagine the potential blood that US can suck from India economy and the exacerbation to global warming. Global warming will lead to sea level rising, and Tokyo is one of the mostly affected city by this. It's really unfortunate for Japan to have a prime minister Shinzo Abe who invented a strategy that will lead to submersion of a big part of Japan's very capital Tokyo under the sea level.


9. What is the most important and real global threat? 

The American military spending is more than the combined sum of the next 12 countries. Note money by itself has no value, it has to be backed up by real goods and services. For a country with huge budget deficit, the US$750 billions of US military spending is largely backed up by goods and services from foreign sources, or blood sucked from world economy: ~US$500 billions per year, through US trade deficit. In another words, roughly 67% of US military spending can be burdened upon the rest of the world, of which China has a share of ~50% (~US$250 billions). China's contribution to US military spending is more than China's own military spending. Now do you still think that China is a world threat as advocated by Americans? No! It's merely a parasite host country who contributes a huge amount of blood to US and yet gets badly treated by US. China, and the world minus US too, would be better off if the Chinese just wrote themselves the kiting cheques, and consume or simply dump to deep sea the things to be exported to US.

US is also a super power in both conventional media and social network media. It can manipulate the international public opinion on one hand, e.g., the framing-up of Saddam with owning WMD and committing genocide, the smearing campaign on China with Uighur genocide,  and disregard the international public opinion on the other hand, e.g., the repetitive blockings of Israel-Palestine resolution at UN.

US has transferred human resource and saved material resource from non-essential industries to key industries (such as the making of nuclear missiles and bombs!) in global competition. The products from non-essential industries are provided by foreign countries such as China, which US get by writing them kiting cheques. So US can focus both more material resource and human resource to be utilized in the key industries.

With the support of such huge amount of stolen wealth (ref. ), US not only greatly improved the life of its citizens, but also used higher pay to seduce the best talents from all over the world to immigrate to US and serve the US. In this way, the US can invest unmatchable human and material resources in research and development. If you visit American universities and high-tech companies, you will be surprised to find these places are all like a mini UN, full of personnel from Russia, China, Eastern Europe and so on. An easy way to verify this status is to just look at the surnames of some renowned American scientists: Katalin Kariko (mRNA, covid19 vaccine, Hungarian), Andrew Ng (AI, Chinese),  Demis Hassabis (Alpha Go, Cypriots-Chinese), Alisyn Malek (AI, Polish), these names go on and on, and are widely distributed in all fields.

According to Frum, national power has more to do with a country's development in advanced technology sectors than with GDP. I agree with this. How many elite Chinese students or scholars have been brain-drained to US? How much percentage do they account for in the total? Now you still think China could be a world threat comparable to US?

US$'s global currency status also give US government the spying tool on world business and long-arm jurisdiction power. US uses sanction frequently and recklessly. Its allies often have to sacrifice their own commercial interests to comply with America. For example, because of the sanctions against Iran, every Japanese has to spend more money on gasoline. But, the Japanese media seemed not to care about this much. This by itself is a big deal, it means that the media people themselves are brain-washed to think that sacrifice for America and yielding to America is a natural thing. Is this a Stockholm syndrome or mental slavery?

One other significant issue, the recent developments in AI, superconductor, laser weapon, nuclear fusion, quantum computing etc. has thrust the world into the eve of a new technological revolution, the US has succeeded to seduce the best talents from all around the world, which makes its R&D capability greatly outmatch that of other countries in the world. It can be predicted that these advantages will be transformed into new and bigger technological and military advantages for US.

The long term accumulative effect of the blood-sucking is very worrisome. The world is already deep in US$ trap. The more money US spends, the more US dollars the countries in the world will have in their foreign exchange reserves, the more reluctant countries are to ditch US$. The stronger the US dollar's global currency position will be. The more easier for US to abuse the US dollar. The deeper the countries other than US fall into the US dollar trap. Eventually so deep that they will never be able to escape from it.

The US is flooding the world with dollars as it is raising budget deficit rapidly, hence its trade deficit rapidly. If the world excluding US does not interrupt this trend, the accumulated US trade deficit, the blood sucked from world economy by US, or equally, the foreign currency reserves earned by the world from US, is destined to increase from today's $10 trillions to $20, 30, 40, 50 trillions and so on in successively shorter time spans. The percentage of dollars in the total money of the world will keep increasing, US$'s position as global currency will strengthen.  Eventually the US dollar will become the real world currency, and currencies of every other countries will probably be displaced. The Bank of America will become the Central Bank of the Earth. The later the world strive to stop this trend, the harder for the world to stop this trend. There is not much time left before the remaining chance for the world to escape from the US$ trap diminishes completely.

America's approach to third world countries is blunt, profit oriented. For example, in Iraq, US imposes asymmetrical economic relations on Iraq at the point of a gun so that western corporate interests could take what they want from the people of Iraq without recourse. In Syria, Trump stopped US military forces from withdrawing in order to "keep the oil" for US.

America's approach to developed countries is more complex, profit oriented and effective. It's a package that includes: control or take-over of media companies by capital investment, ideology propaganda, brain-washing of the populace, spying and political infiltration, coerced open-up of financial sector, using overwhelming capital power and better speculation technique to plunder wealth through financial markets of these countries, take-over and buy-ups of ace enterprises, etc. Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada and so on are all such countries.

Let's take a glance at America's track record with these countries. 


NSA spying row: Denmark helped US gather data on European officials, says report
US is blocking Nord Stream 2 project or may use it as bargain chip to oppress Germany to make concessions in other fields;


Why did Japanese semiconductors sink? Has Toshiba fallen into a trap set up by US? 
Japanese media hijacked? US investors control more than 30% of shares in some Japanese media companies, exceeding the 20% limit set by regulation.
Sony and Mitsui Real Estate etc. 35 Japanese companies were taken over by overseas capital.
How is Japan robbed of money by the US companies targeting Japanese financial assets?
US wants to raise up the protection fee for Japan to US$8 billions, 


US slaps tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canada on national security excuse.

US has set up a trap and forced Canada to jump into it. This is the arrest of Meng Wanzhou by Canada on the request of US. The charge against Meng arises from Huawei’s alleged violation of U.S. unilateral sanction against Iran. But the sanction is illegal in the first place, against the UN Charter, and it is the result of US's rescinding of an international treaty it previous had signed into. This event resulted the retaliation from China, and so the arrest of two Canadians in China. As a final result, the relationship between Canada and China has deteriorated from good or normal to adversary, and hence the economic losses on Canada (and China) due to bad trade relationship.

This event is example that both China and an US ally have played out its roles according to a premeditated  script by US. All the developments can be predicted without resorting to rocket science, and this event exhibit a pattern used repeatedly by US to contain China. It does not need to hack into the computer of the Oval Ofice to  conclude the whole thing is scripted by US. Final words: it would be worthy of something  for the heavy damages on both China and Canada if it can send an alarm to the world.

"Our justice system, and the federal Crown have been hoodwinked into participating in a show trial and shakedown, against our own national interests and risking our citizens." -- nationalobserver


US incited Australia into a confrontation with China that China retaliates with economic measures, and this has resulted a major setback for Australia economy.

S. Korea and Taiwan:

US is using government power to coerce Samsung of S. Korea and TSMC of Taiwan to invest heavily and open up new plants on US soil (ref. 11, 12); This behavior is clearly a bullying and is against the national interests of the two Allies. This could make the two giant companies more vulnerable to future American manipulation and coercion as Toshiba has suffered. 

US wants to raise up the protection fee for S. Korea to US$5 billions, a five times hike.
US sold F16 fighters at unreasonable high price to Taiwan.


Web search keywords: Alstom;


The biggest source country from which US sucks blood now (previously Japan). Yet, Trump and Trumpers truly believes that China is taking advantage of US by taking the big fat kiting cheques from US. The Chinese leaders got tricked by Trump's bluff to raise more tariff on imports from China, WTF, isn't the tariff hike a shooting on US's own foot? But China instead opened its financial market as a concession, authorizing the powerful US financial corporations to plunder quick money from China's financial market.

Huawei was a very successful global tech giant in telecommunication and mobile phone. US used a combo of disinformation, sanction, political influence to have almost expelled Huawei out from the most lucrative world market, and its very existence is now threatened.

The bloomberg.com has concocted a fake China spy chip story to demonize China and Chinese hi-tech companies. Although it is proved to be a total fabrication, the damage has been done, and bloomberg has not even made any apology or been punished for defamation. The idiom "Lying does not pay" does not apply to Americans.

For more info on this, see:  US government is mounting a disinformation campaign through multiple sources to discredit China – and taking down a huge media entity as collateral damage, and ref. 3, 4, 5, 6.


From the above examples, we can conclude: US has been using its existing advantages to promotes its own development and hinder other's progress, thus there has formed a positive feed-back loop mechanism so that America's advantages over the rest of the world is self-amplifying and at the expense of other countries.


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Part 3



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