[Buddhist Temple] Keiryuji (慶龍寺)

The Japanese garden of Keiryuji

Keiryuji (慶龍寺) is a Buddhist temple (Shingon-shu Buzan-ha) in the Izumi District of TsukubaIbaraki Prefecture.

Keiryuji (慶龍寺)

The honzon of this temple is a hibutsu called Kosodate Shusse Shokanzeon Bosatsu (子育出世正観世音菩薩).  This is a Kannon (Avalokiteśvara) statue that is said to have been carved by Kobo Daishi himself at Toji in Kyoto in 807.  In 1472, Zuitei of Ninnaji founded Kannonji in Odawara.  This Kannnon statue was placed at this temple as its honzon.

Front gate
In 1615, it is said the Kannon appeared in Keiryu's dream for seven days and told him to take him east immediately since there are children suffering from a disease.  At the time, Keiryu was the chief priest of Kannonji in Odawara.  He put the Kannon statue in a box and headed east.  When he came to Mount Tsukuba, due to the rain, Sakura River was flooding making it impossible to cross.  Then a child appeared in a small boat and Keiryu was able to cross the river.  The child disappeared like smoke and the Kannon appeared.  After Keiryu thanking the Kannon, he tried to carry the box to continue his journey, but the box became too heavy to carry.  He told the local villagers this place must be the area the Kannon was referring to.  When he built a hut, the disease that was breaking out among the children in the area settled.  In 1618, a temple was built and was named Keiryuji after him.

The front gate was donated by Tsuchiya Masanao, the head of Tsuchiura Domain, in 1687.

During the Meiji period, the locals and the chief priest of the temple engaged in gabbling which resulting in the temple loosing a large portion of its properties, furniture, futons, and even kitchenware.  The chief priest even caught syphilis and was expelled.  His predecessor, who was a chief priest of Manganji in Azunimo, Nagano Prefecture, rebuilt the temple.

The temple has a small Japanese garden.  Depending on the season, it seems like the area with white pebbles is filled with water, forming a pond.

Coming soon.🙇

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