Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ようこそ!!(Welcome to the World!)

2023-03-17 13:24:10 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Okay today, let me share very happy news about my family!

On March 9th 2023, the older one of my little twin sisters, Switch, and her husband just welcomed their first child, baby boy!

It's her very first pregnancy which I hear it tends to be later than the due date, but he's born 6 days earlier than his due date.

The baby boy was born at 3:29pm on the 9th, but what's very interesting to me that I got this question crossed my mind out of the blue in the morning, "Switch's due date is coming so soon. How's she doing?" and texted it to her.

Then, she responded, "I'm having something like practice contractions right now. " Also, she mentioned that she got a show (bloody discharge) in the day before.

At the point, she was saying, "Still, the pain isn't that bad yet." but it was actually starting real contractions at the time. In 4.5 hours after we're done with the conversation, she got me text saying, "I just got checked in the hospital and they gave me Epidural!"

Again, it's her very first labor, so she didn't have any idea about the actual time schedule until she could really push the baby out and still wasn't sure if she was having real contractions at the point yet. So, when my other sister, Skutch, asked her, "Are you having real contractions now?, she answered, "I have no idea." LOL

From my experience, I was pretty sure that she was very close to push the baby out when I heard her saying, "They gave me Epidural!" Besides that report, she texted me, "They say my cervix is 5cm open now." which made me confident that the moment was really almost there.

Thanks to Epidural, Switch could keep us uprated about her own labor by texting, so it's kind of funny to me to think about the big gap between her kind of relaxing labor and mine which kept me to writhe in pain.

In another 4 hours after the last conversation with her, she sent me a picture of the beautiful baby boy that I shared above.

It's really weird and spiritual that I kind of got a hunch from MN that something was going on my loving sister in Japan on such a perfect timing. Thanks to my hunch, I could follow up the precious moments live.

I'm so glad that her labor was done with Epidural which was as she had wanted it to be. What made me surprised was that she said, "The labor with Epidural was surprisingly easy. It's still painful and tough, but I'd say that having diarrhea is much more painful." LOL

The baby boy reminded of somebody in my family, but I haven't got the answer yet. Haha.

She stayed in the hospital for 5 days (which is normal in Japan) and started taking care of him at home just with 2 of her and her husband from the 14th.

Both of their families live far away from them, which can't give them much support. Still, I hope that they'll make a good team as his parents and be willing to take any support from others whenever they get a chance.
(Both of their parents in Kansai area which's 7 hour drive (about 350miles) away from their city, Nigata.)

Anyways, Congratulations to my loving sister, Switch and her husband, Yama-C!!

Now I have one more fun thing added to my list for the next Japan trip. I hope that the baby boy will get along with May-chan.

Okay, this is all about the new member of my family!!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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