

(1)サトシ・ナカモトがビットコインETFに投資する人々に失望する理由Why Satoshi Nakamoto would be disappointed about people investing in the Bitcoin ETF 





​Why Satoshi Nakamoto would be disappointed about people investing in the Bitcoin ETF

​Missing the point about the creation of Bitcoin


Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Elekes_Andor

Maximilian Schima·

Published in Financial Reflections
Financial Reflections·に掲載


Sep 20, 2023

It is now clear that investment banks, governments, and public and private companies have developed an interest in Bitcoin. The narrative that Bitcoin is environmentally harmful has also changed by now. It is known to many that the network is powered by over 50% renewable
energy that cannot be used elsewhere at the moment. This encourages the expansion and use of renewable energy in general.

​The real reason for the discussion about the climate balance of Bitcoin

A case for Bitcoin



It is quite interesting that many are now listening to the banks in regards to Bitcoin. In 2017, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, had still called Bitcoin an index for money laundering. Now, on the other hand, he is talking positively about Bitcoin and is even applying for an ETF at the SEC.


Currently, a lot is revolving around the approval of the Bitcoin Spot ETFs that have been applied for. A Bitcoin Spot ETF would mean that the issuer of the ETF would have to physically buy the
Bitcoins on the spot market to cover it. The firms that have applied for an ETF include very large investment banks such as BlackRock, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Deutsche Bank, Citadel, Charles Schwab & Nomura. These firms collectively manage approximately $25 trillion. If the ETF applications were approved, this would lead to a huge demand for Bitcoins. Of course, these firms do not buy the Bitcoins all at once and also not directly via the spot market,
but via so-called OTC (Over The Counter) trades in order not to distort the market price. But this will lead to an increase in the Bitcoin price via secondary effects both from a behavioral finance point of view and when the first investors invest in the ETFs.

The increasing demand from large investors will lead to a higher acceptance of Bitcoin. Bitcoins are still viewed very critically by the public. Most still do not understand what is great about
Bitcoins. This will change through the ETFs. Of course, I would rather see the increasing acceptance of Bitcoin among the population, who understand why a deflationary decentralized money makes so much sense, than the increasing demand from the big banks and states. However, life is not a wishful thinking concert.

Not your keys, not your coins

These banks already control and influence enough of the financial market and Bitcoin was created to be a counterweight, a hedge against the banks failing again. The Genesis Block, the first Block that was mined, plays on this. The Genesis Block states in its first transaction:

“The Times 03 / Jan / 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”
タイムズ200913日 首相は、銀行の2番目の救済の瀬戸際に。

This plays on the bank bailout that Satoshi Nakamoto strongly criticized. The banks failed us in 2008. They constructed securities like synthetic collateralized debt obligations and went broke with them. The banks were saved at the expense of the general public.

















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