The Opinion on Global & Domestic Issues

Providing policy alternatives on issues of our time.

New Year's Greeting

2023-01-02 22:12:27 | Weblog
New Year's Greeting

I wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year !

As the Globe is accumulating stress which we, the human society, have never experienced in history, it seems indispensable for each of us to consider consequences as well as solutions seriously, and make such thoughts together and act as quick as possible without easy complomise.

   Global Policy Group

WION TV主催Global Summit 2022への参加

2022-07-06 10:42:20 | Weblog
WION TV主催Global Summit 2022への参加

 2022年5月16日にドバイで開催された“平和”をテーマとするGlobal Summit に、主催者WION TVよりパネラーとして招待され参加た。本グローバル・サミットには、米国から国土安全保障省リュート元次官他が、欧州からはアイルランド、ベラルーシからは元大臣、エストニアから同国議会外交委員長など、途上国からはアフカニスタン、ジンバブエ他が参加し、ウクライナ等からオンライン参加。

 1、冒頭、チョードリーWION TV代表より、“持続可能な平和”をメイン・テーマとして5年目となるグローバル・サミットの趣旨が説明された後、シャヒッド国連総会議長とアフマデイネジャド元イラン大統領がビデオメッセージを寄せた。シャヒッド総会議長よりは、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻という事態が生じたが、安保理における拒否権行使により機能しなくなったものの、拒否権行使の場合は総会にその理由を説明することとされたことは初めてのことであり、今後改革を進めたいなど、国連が直面する問題が報告された。またアフマデイネジャド元大統領からは、米国の価値観とルールの強要により経済制裁が課され、一方的であるなど、従来の主張が繰り返された。インドなど、アジアからの参加者の中には、米国が力を背景に価値観やルールを世界に押しつけてはいないかとの感情やロシアのウクライナ侵攻についても、支持はしないものの、米国を中心とするNATOが東西冷戦後急速に東方拡大し、緊張を作り出しているのではないかとの疑問も散見された。

 2、次いで討論セッシオンに移り、1)武力紛争に休戦の旗を、2)迫り来る細菌兵器の脅威、3)貿易戦争:長期の勝者はいない、及び4)デジタル・ウオー:世界のウエッブ安全保障のためには の4セッションが順次行われた。対面で参加した各国の発言者が各セッションに分かれ、WION TVの編集長他が司会を務める形で進められた。


WION Global Summit 2022: Covid-19 pandemic highlighted threat of biological weapons - World News (

また会合全体をご覧になりたい方は、wion global summit 2022を検索下さい。

 なお、WION TVは、ニューデリーを拠点とする英語TV局で、世界各国で取材、配信を行っているので、欧米のニュースが世界各国にネットワークを広げ、国際世論に影響を与えている今日、アジアの目で世界各国に情報発信するネットワークとして注目される。5月24日のクアッド(Quad)首脳会議、及びそれに伴うモデイ首相の訪日の模様もWION TVのアンカーが訪日取材し、インドのみならず世界各国に配信している。

WION TV主催Global Summit 2022への参加

2022-07-06 10:20:48 | Weblog
WION TV主催Global Summit 2022への参加

 2022年5月16日にドバイで開催された“平和”をテーマとするGlobal Summit に、主催者WION TVよりパネラーとして招待され参加た。本グローバル・サミットには、米国から国土安全保障省リュート元次官他が、欧州からはアイルランド、ベラルーシからは元大臣、エストニアから同国議会外交委員長など、途上国からはアフカニスタン、ジンバブエ他が参加し、ウクライナ等からオンライン参加。

 1、冒頭、チョードリーWION TV代表より、“持続可能な平和”をメイン・テーマとして5年目となるグローバル・サミットの趣旨が説明された後、シャヒッド国連総会議長とアフマデイネジャド元イラン大統領がビデオメッセージを寄せた。シャヒッド総会議長よりは、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻という事態が生じたが、安保理における拒否権行使により機能しなくなったものの、拒否権行使の場合は総会にその理由を説明することとされたことは初めてのことであり、今後改革を進めたいなど、国連が直面する問題が報告された。またアフマデイネジャド元大統領からは、米国の価値観とルールの強要により経済制裁が課され、一方的であるなど、従来の主張が繰り返された。インドなど、アジアからの参加者の中には、米国が力を背景に価値観やルールを世界に押しつけてはいないかとの感情やロシアのウクライナ侵攻についても、支持はしないものの、米国を中心とするNATOが東西冷戦後急速に東方拡大し、緊張を作り出しているのではないかとの疑問も散見された。

 2、次いで討論セッシオンに移り、1)武力紛争に休戦の旗を、2)迫り来る細菌兵器の脅威、3)貿易戦争:長期の勝者はいない、及び4)デジタル・ウオー:世界のウエッブ安全保障のためには の4セッションが順次行われた。対面で参加した各国の発言者が各セッションに分かれ、WION TVの編集長他が司会を務める形で進められた。


WION Global Summit 2022: Covid-19 pandemic highlighted threat of biological weapons - World News (

また会合全体をご覧になりたい方は、wion global summit 2022を検索下さい。

 なお、WION TVは、ニューデリーを拠点とする英語TV局で、世界各国で取材、配信を行っているので、欧米のニュースが世界各国にネットワークを広げ、国際世論に影響を与えている今日、アジアの目で世界各国に情報発信するネットワークとして注目される。5月24日のクアッド(Quad)首脳会議、及びそれに伴うモデイ首相の訪日の模様もWION TVのアンカーが訪日取材し、インドのみならず世界各国に配信している。

Immediate Truce and a Peace Settlement in Ukraine !

2022-03-09 17:20:10 | Weblog
Immediate Truce and a Peace Settlement in Ukraine !
The Russian military invasion in Ukraine started on February 24, 2020, are not tolerated by any means, as 141member countries of the United Nations strongly condemned in the General Assembly resolution on March 2, 2022. Russia deserves such a strong condemnation.
  Immediate truce should be made and Russian troops should be withdrawn from Ukraine.
  There is no justification for the Russian invasion in Ukraine. At the same time, we should give ears to the persistent anxiety of Russian President V. Putin over the constant east- bound expansion of NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Organization. Against the background of this move, President Putin has been expressing strong objection to the possible participation of neighboring Ukraine in NATO because of the obvious security reason. Now in Romania, there are U.S. bases and Thaad medium range interceptor missiles. It is known that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has intention to join NATO as well as EU.
 1、NATO’s stance on possible acceptance of Ukraine is at stake
 NATO should express not to accept Ukraine as its member on the condition that all the Russian troops would be withdrawn from Ukraine immediately and preserve truce and urge Russia to settle the issue through negotiations to avoid further devastation and death in Ukraine.
It is clear that President Putin feels threaten if Ukraine, a neighbor to Russia, becomes a member of NATO. Like or not, we should recognize that it is any country’s right, including Russia, to take appropriate security measures, as long as the World is willing to co-exist with Russia and others.
The United States is invited to take initiatives in announcing NATO’s intention not to accept Ukraine as its member, and ask Russia to sit down at a negotiating table. Negotiations would not be realized if both parties stick to its own demands.

 2、Both Russia and Ukraine sit at negotiating table with immediate truce
 If Ukrainian President Zelenskyy wants to avoid further death of its own people including civilians and children, he should reconsider his position regarding the membership of NATO, and should have courage to discuss with Russian President Putin, possibly with the presence of some facilitator such as U.N. Secretary General. Although it may affect his position, or pride as President of Ukraine, it would be much more important to save people’s lives and bring about their peaceful life.
Russia is blamed for its military attacks in Ukraine, and President Putin as well as Russia itself faces severe economic and financial sanctions together with personal punishment such as the dismissal from Honorary President of International Judo Federation. At the same time, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy may be blamed for his inability to materialize the Minsk Protocol of 5th September, 2014, in particular, the “local self-government” issue of two eastern districts, namely, Donetsk and Luhansk and the observation of armed conflicts, by the time of its expiry date which was 21st February, 2022. Russia started its military operations on 24 February, 2022, about one month after the expiry of the Protocol. President Zelenskyy must have known the expiry of the Protocol, after which there would be a recurrence of armed conflicts so that he would risk lives of Ukrainian nationals.

 3、A need for a new security arrangements in Europe
  It is much appreciated that the United States and NATO as a whole together with EU decided not to send troops to Ukraine to avoid a war in Europe. It is a founding objective of EU to avoid a war in Europe.
While I admire their wisdom, it may be relevant to review whether further expansion of NATO, which is composed of 30 countries now including most of ex-Warsaw Pact countries. The Warsaw Pact Organization was dissolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union and democratization of most of East European countries. While the East- West Cold War was over, NATO not only continues to exist but also expand from 16 member countries to 30 countries encompassing most of the ex-Warsaw Pact countries. That is causing a security problem on the part of Russia, especially in the mind of President Putin.
For the sake of peace and stability in Europe and in the World, it may warrant consideration whether further expansion of NATO is necessary and whether there is a need for a new security arrangement in the post-Cold War era in Europe, which may meet a security requirement of Russia as well.
(2022.3.6.) (All Rights Reserved.)

Immediate Truce and a Peace Settlement in Ukraine !

2022-03-09 17:17:37 | Weblog
Immediate Truce and a Peace Settlement in Ukraine !
The Russian military invasion in Ukraine started on February 24, 2020, are not tolerated by any means, as 141member countries of the United Nations strongly condemned in the General Assembly resolution on March 2, 2022. Russia deserves such a strong condemnation.
  Immediate truce should be made and Russian troops should be withdrawn from Ukraine.
  There is no justification for the Russian invasion in Ukraine. At the same time, we should give ears to the persistent anxiety of Russian President V. Putin over the constant east- bound expansion of NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Organization. Against the background of this move, President Putin has been expressing strong objection to the possible participation of neighboring Ukraine in NATO because of the obvious security reason. Now in Romania, there are U.S. bases and Thaad medium range interceptor missiles. It is known that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has intention to join NATO as well as EU.
 1、NATO’s stance on possible acceptance of Ukraine is at stake
 NATO should express not to accept Ukraine as its member on the condition that all the Russian troops would be withdrawn from Ukraine immediately and preserve truce and urge Russia to settle the issue through negotiations to avoid further devastation and death in Ukraine.
It is clear that President Putin feels threaten if Ukraine, a neighbor to Russia, becomes a member of NATO. Like or not, we should recognize that it is any country’s right, including Russia, to take appropriate security measures, as long as the World is willing to co-exist with Russia and others.
The United States is invited to take initiatives in announcing NATO’s intention not to accept Ukraine as its member, and ask Russia to sit down at a negotiating table. Negotiations would not be realized if both parties stick to its own demands.

 2、Both Russia and Ukraine sit at negotiating table with immediate truce
 If Ukrainian President Zelenskyy wants to avoid further death of its own people including civilians and children, he should reconsider his position regarding the membership of NATO, and should have courage to discuss with Russian President Putin, possibly with the presence of some facilitator such as U.N. Secretary General. Although it may affect his position, or pride as President of Ukraine, it would be much more important to save people’s lives and bring about their peaceful life.
Russia is blamed for its military attacks in Ukraine, and President Putin as well as Russia itself faces severe economic and financial sanctions together with personal punishment such as the dismissal from Honorary President of International Judo Federation. At the same time, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy may be blamed for his inability to materialize the Minsk Protocol of 5th September, 2014, in particular, the “local self-government” issue of two eastern districts, namely, Donetsk and Luhansk and the observation of armed conflicts, by the time of its expiry date which was 21st February, 2022. Russia started its military operations on 24 February, 2022, about one month after the expiry of the Protocol. President Zelenskyy must have known the expiry of the Protocol, after which there would be a recurrence of armed conflicts so that he would risk lives of Ukrainian nationals.

 3、A need for a new security arrangements in Europe
  It is much appreciated that the United States and NATO as a whole together with EU decided not to send troops to Ukraine to avoid a war in Europe. It is a founding objective of EU to avoid a war in Europe.
While I admire their wisdom, it may be relevant to review whether further expansion of NATO, which is composed of 30 countries now including most of ex-Warsaw Pact countries. The Warsaw Pact Organization was dissolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union and democratization of most of East European countries. While the East- West Cold War was over, NATO not only continues to exist but also expand from 16 member countries to 30 countries encompassing most of the ex-Warsaw Pact countries. That is causing a security problem on the part of Russia, especially in the mind of President Putin.
For the sake of peace and stability in Europe and in the World, it may warrant consideration whether further expansion of NATO is necessary and whether there is a need for a new security arrangement in the post-Cold War era in Europe, which may meet a security requirement of Russia as well.
(2022.3.6.) (All Rights Reserved.)

Remarks by U.N.S.G. Guterres on the online Conference with Chinese President Xi are  questionable!

2020-10-16 22:35:11 | Weblog
Remarks by U.N.S.G. Guterres on the online Conference with Chinese President Xi are                                                        questionable!

                                                                                                            October 7th, 2020

 Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had an online conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping on September 23, 2020.

The remarks by Chinese President Xi show marked differences between its external posture and the actual domestic reality in China

  President Xi Jinping of People's Republic of China (PRC) expressed the following points during the on-line meeting with UNSG, based on the report by Chinese News Xinhua:

He reaffirms to the international community to uphold multilateralism and abide by the commitments to the UN Charter.
Noting that COVID-19 is still rampant in the world, China firmly supports the key initiatives of the UN system, especially the World Health Organization.  China also firmly supports the UN system in strengthening international           cooperation in COVID-19 prevention and containment. It will make COVID-19     vaccines a global public good after putting them into use, and also contribute  to the vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.

 (3)Noting the emergence of many new problems amid the pandemic, these problems are related to peace and development in one way or another.

 In this regard, the UN Security Council should play the role of a collective security mechanism, and the Security Council permanent members should play an exemplary role.

 Pursuing unilateralism and seeking hegemony are unpopular and will surely be rejected.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the problems of maladaptation and mismatch in the global governance system.

 There is only one system in the world, namely the UN-centered international system, and only one set of rules — the basic norms of international relations based on the UN Charter.

 China never pursues ideological confrontation, advocates 'decoupling' or seeks hegemony.

China will not sit idly by and allow its national sovereignty, dignity and development space to be undermined. Instead, China will firmly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and uphold international equity and justice.

 All countries are called on to rise above differences between countries, nationalities, cultures and ideologies so as to promote efforts in building a community with a shared future for humanity.

  Although his remarks may be well received basically by the international community including the United Nations, most of them sound to be quite different from the actual situation inside China, which adopts One-Party Democracy and a Socialism Market Economy among other things.

 2、Courteous yet accommodating response by UN Secretary-General Guterres

 United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, while listening cheerfully to Chinese President Xi, stressed the importance of multilateralism, international cooperation, and a powerful United Nations as the world faces challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

 He expressed his gratitude to China's consistent and firm support for multilateralism. And he welcomed a series of important initiatives and measures President Xi announced at the UN General Assembly in September, 2020, in such spheres as the  practice of multilateralism, coping with climate change and promoting sustainable development.

 He also expressed his support for China's efforts to promote jointly in building ‘a Silk Road of Green Development’.

 He highly appreciated China's role in safeguarding the world peace.

 UN Secretary-General Guterres said that the United Nations would support China in deepening cooperation with Africa and other developing countries, and expressed the UN’s willingness to strengthen cooperation with China and he expected that China would play a leading role.

 It is quite natural for the UN Secretary-General to appreciate China’s role and his willingness to strengthen relations and cooperate with China, especially when the United Nations celebrates the 75th anniversary. But if we realize the clear differences between what Chinese President Xi was telling to the World and what the Chinese Government is actually doing inside China, including Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur, some of the remarks made by UN Secretary General Guterres are questionable and inappropriate. Or a lack of knowledge about actual China.

 3、China’s external posture differs from its reality inside China

 Although most of the remarks above made by Chinese President Xi are appreciated from the widely-shared international standard based on democracy, freedom, human rights, and free market economy, what he is saying to the World  is different from what China has been doing inside China, including Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur, and, in part, Hong Kong.

Delay of China’s detailed notice to the World, in particular, WHO on the Buhan-originated Corona Virus

 While Chinese President Xi said that China would support the UN system in strengthening international cooperation in COVID-19 prevention and containment, it failed to provide to WHO accurate information immediately after the detection of Corona Virus in Buhan in January, 2020. Also it failed to stop the outgoing of foreign nationals and Chinese people from China, while it quickly restricted the movement of Chinese people from Buhan. Such delayed measures on the part of China let the Corona Virus spread outside China, and prevented WHO to recommend the World to take preventive measures as quick as possible, especially the closure of airports and others, and declare it as COVID-19 Pandemic.

 The very swift and world-wide spread outside China of the Buhan-originated Corona Virus itself proves that there was certainly such a delay. In fact, President Xi apologized to the people in Buhan for the delay of prompt measures after the Chinese Government imposed the lockdown there. It seems, to a greater degree, that he owes an apology to the rest of the World for causing the worldwide spread of Buhan-originated corona virus, instead of denying it and criticizing other country. 

 The World community wants to know the fact first so that we could take measures as quick as possible. Denying it only magnifies doubt and distrust over the Chinese sincerity.

 China’s governing system is based on One-Party (Communist Party) Democracy and the Socialism Market Economy

  Although we welcome China’s external posture to uphold multilateralism and abide by the commitments to the UN Charter, it firmly adopts One-Party-  Democracy and the Socialism Market Economy internally.  We don’t call One-Party -Democracy based on Communist Party a Democracy. Because it denies plural political parties and freedom of belief and speech, We don’t call the Socialism Market Economy, which is centrally managed and restricted, a Free Market Economy.

 Therefore, the movement and activities inside China by not only Chinese people themselves but also foreign nationals are restricted in one way or another, while Chinese people are permitted free access to the international market and  free movements within any countries in the world.

  If China wants to keep such freedom of activities and movement externally, it should allow foreign people similar freedom in the spirit of reciprocity. If not, it is fair to say that all countries have the right to take similar restrictive measures to Chinese activities there to the extent their nationals’ activities are restricted in China.

 While we certainly welcome China to be a member of the international community in principle, UN Secretary-General Guterres should also have invited China to accord to foreign nationals inside Chine similar freedom of activities and movement in the spirit of reciprocity and fairness.

China’s massive military buildup and accelerated military activities especially in the East China Sea

 Chinese President Xi claimed that “the UN Security Council should play the role of a collective security mechanism, and the Security Council permanent members should play an exemplary role.”

 We are puzzled. Isn’t it China who made difficult for the Security Council to take prompt security measures by vetoing on many cases?

 Isn’t it China who occupies the Spratly and Paracel Islands by force, whose territorial rights are claimed by as many as 6 neighboring countries, and were building militarily usable facilities on those islands? Isn’t it China who rejected the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in 2016 that “there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources, hence there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights over the nine-dash line (the Spratly Islands area),” advocating unanimously the claim made by the Philippines. The tribunal also criticized China's land reclamation projects and construction of artificial islands in the Spratly Islands, destroying the vast coral reef. We don’t call such acts “exemplary.” On the contrary.

  President Xi also urged that “pursuing unilateralism and seeking hegemony are unpopular and will surely be rejected.” If he really thinks so, he is invited to show a good example by accepting the ruling and settling other disputes with the countries concerned. 

  In this regard, I should like to propose a negotiation on Disarmament and Confidence Building in East Asia.

  UN Secretary General should have asked Chinese President to settle those issues as quick as possible, while appreciating China’s positive role to be played on other issues as well. And he should not have expressed his support for China's efforts to build ‘a Silk Road of Green Development,’ which is in line with China’s  recent strategy of “One Belt One Road,” stretching from China to Europe on the Eurasian Continent and the Sea, because it appears to be somewhat expansionistic and hegemonistic.

  (4) China’s bothering human rights records and oppression of self-determination

  Chinese President Xi called on all countries “to overcome differences between countries, nationalities, cultures and ideologies so as to promote efforts in building a community with a shared future for humanity”. We agree what he was saying in principle, but we are largely puzzled. We are largely puzzled because China has notorious records contrary to human rights and self-determination in Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur, and, in part, Hong Kong. There is a clear disparity in words and deeds.

 Secretary General Guterres of the United Nations should have drawn President Xi’s attention that the United Nations was worried about the human rights situation in those areas. Without saying any of these, he must have given a wrong message to Chinese President Xi. (2020/10/07  M.K.)

Global Policy Group

Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

2016-05-13 11:07:58 | Weblog
Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

The historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, written by Mr. Mitsuaki KOJIMA, Ambassador Ret., is now available on Amazon India(search by Title or Author’s name). It is also available on Manohar (e-book shop, search by Lord Buddha’s Roots, or Author’s name).
The title of the book is ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots.’, but it is only a mystery until you read it through and find the Truth. Its real theme is the truth. Truth about the rise and fall of the Shakya Kingdom, and Truth about the location of Kapilavastu, the resident Castle where Buddha, as Prince Siddartha, lived until 29 years old. Truth about Buddha’s thinking and philosophy. So many aspects which have been kept in the dark and unsolved are shed light.
The book offers an amazing and historic revelation of the facts about Lord Buddha's roots and the social and cultural background around Buddha’s period. Prince Siddhartha, born in Lumbini, Nepal, over 2,500 years ago and raised at the Castle Kapilabastu of the Shakya Kingdom, but left the Castle to become a Buddha, great thinker or Sage. There still remains mystery about the location of the Kapila Castle, the historical and cultural background of why he left the Castle, giving up his prestigious position as Crown Prince, and how Shakya Kingdom vanished in the jungle. Over the centuries around Buddha’s time, there started a dynamic population flow of the Aryan race from Europe to the Indian subcontinent, naturally causing a racial fusion with indigenous population. And the dramatically changing historical and social background of Buddha’s age required a new way of thinking, wisdom and philosophy.
The author points out, by shedding light on such facts, how the Buddha teachings such as human equality, human welfare facing ailing, aging and dying, the Law of the Golden Mean to live naturally in accordance with the providence of life and no killings, non-violence must have travelled far and wide from the area and influenced the subsequent developments of philosophical schools and religions across the Eurasian Continent.
And the core elements of Buddha teachings still offer an important guidance at the present time.

*The publisher is Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India.
*Available also on Amazon India, Manohar, and other e-bookshops

Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

2016-05-13 11:07:24 | Weblog
Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

The historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, written by Mr. Mitsuaki KOJIMA, Ambassador Ret., is now available on Amazon India(search by Title or Author’s name). It is also available on Manohar (e-book shop, search by Lord Buddha’s Roots, or Author’s name).
The title of the book is ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots.’, but it is only a mystery until you read it through and find the Truth. Its real theme is the truth. Truth about the rise and fall of the Shakya Kingdom, and Truth about the location of Kapilavastu, the resident Castle where Buddha, as Prince Siddartha, lived until 29 years old. Truth about Buddha’s thinking and philosophy. So many aspects which have been kept in the dark and unsolved are shed light.
The book offers an amazing and historic revelation of the facts about Lord Buddha's roots and the social and cultural background around Buddha’s period. Prince Siddhartha, born in Lumbini, Nepal, over 2,500 years ago and raised at the Castle Kapilabastu of the Shakya Kingdom, but left the Castle to become a Buddha, great thinker or Sage. There still remains mystery about the location of the Kapila Castle, the historical and cultural background of why he left the Castle, giving up his prestigious position as Crown Prince, and how Shakya Kingdom vanished in the jungle. Over the centuries around Buddha’s time, there started a dynamic population flow of the Aryan race from Europe to the Indian subcontinent, naturally causing a racial fusion with indigenous population. And the dramatically changing historical and social background of Buddha’s age required a new way of thinking, wisdom and philosophy.
The author points out, by shedding light on such facts, how the Buddha teachings such as human equality, human welfare facing ailing, aging and dying, the Law of the Golden Mean to live naturally in accordance with the providence of life and no killings, non-violence must have travelled far and wide from the area and influenced the subsequent developments of philosophical schools and religions across the Eurasian Continent.
And the core elements of Buddha teachings still offer an important guidance at the present time.

*The publisher is Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India.
*Available also on Amazon India, Manohar, and other e-bookshops

Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

2016-05-13 11:06:16 | Weblog
Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

The historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, written by Mr. Mitsuaki KOJIMA, Ambassador Ret., is now available on Amazon India(search by Title or Author’s name). It is also available on Manohar (e-book shop, search by Lord Buddha’s Roots, or Author’s name).
The title of the book is ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots.’, but it is only a mystery until you read it through and find the Truth. Its real theme is the truth. Truth about the rise and fall of the Shakya Kingdom, and Truth about the location of Kapilavastu, the resident Castle where Buddha, as Prince Siddartha, lived until 29 years old. Truth about Buddha’s thinking and philosophy. So many aspects which have been kept in the dark and unsolved are shed light.
The book offers an amazing and historic revelation of the facts about Lord Buddha's roots and the social and cultural background around Buddha’s period. Prince Siddhartha, born in Lumbini, Nepal, over 2,500 years ago and raised at the Castle Kapilabastu of the Shakya Kingdom, but left the Castle to become a Buddha, great thinker or Sage. There still remains mystery about the location of the Kapila Castle, the historical and cultural background of why he left the Castle, giving up his prestigious position as Crown Prince, and how Shakya Kingdom vanished in the jungle. Over the centuries around Buddha’s time, there started a dynamic population flow of the Aryan race from Europe to the Indian subcontinent, naturally causing a racial fusion with indigenous population. And the dramatically changing historical and social background of Buddha’s age required a new way of thinking, wisdom and philosophy.
The author points out, by shedding light on such facts, how the Buddha teachings such as human equality, human welfare facing ailing, aging and dying, the Law of the Golden Mean to live naturally in accordance with the providence of life and no killings, non-violence must have travelled far and wide from the area and influenced the subsequent developments of philosophical schools and religions across the Eurasian Continent.
And the core elements of Buddha teachings still offer an important guidance at the present time.

*The publisher is Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India.
*Available also on Amazon India, Manohar, and other e-bookshops

Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

2016-05-13 11:05:57 | Weblog
Historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, is now available on e-bookshops

The historic new book ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’, written by Mr. Mitsuaki KOJIMA, Ambassador Ret., is now available on Amazon India(search by Title or Author’s name). It is also available on Manohar (e-book shop, search by Lord Buddha’s Roots, or Author’s name).
The title of the book is ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots.’, but it is only a mystery until you read it through and find the Truth. Its real theme is the truth. Truth about the rise and fall of the Shakya Kingdom, and Truth about the location of Kapilavastu, the resident Castle where Buddha, as Prince Siddartha, lived until 29 years old. Truth about Buddha’s thinking and philosophy. So many aspects which have been kept in the dark and unsolved are shed light.
The book offers an amazing and historic revelation of the facts about Lord Buddha's roots and the social and cultural background around Buddha’s period. Prince Siddhartha, born in Lumbini, Nepal, over 2,500 years ago and raised at the Castle Kapilabastu of the Shakya Kingdom, but left the Castle to become a Buddha, great thinker or Sage. There still remains mystery about the location of the Kapila Castle, the historical and cultural background of why he left the Castle, giving up his prestigious position as Crown Prince, and how Shakya Kingdom vanished in the jungle. Over the centuries around Buddha’s time, there started a dynamic population flow of the Aryan race from Europe to the Indian subcontinent, naturally causing a racial fusion with indigenous population. And the dramatically changing historical and social background of Buddha’s age required a new way of thinking, wisdom and philosophy.
The author points out, by shedding light on such facts, how the Buddha teachings such as human equality, human welfare facing ailing, aging and dying, the Law of the Golden Mean to live naturally in accordance with the providence of life and no killings, non-violence must have travelled far and wide from the area and influenced the subsequent developments of philosophical schools and religions across the Eurasian Continent.
And the core elements of Buddha teachings still offer an important guidance at the present time.

*The publisher is Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India.
*Available also on Amazon India, Manohar, and other e-bookshops