Jun's Blog in English


PC’s Lifespan

2020-10-27 08:31:43 | 日記
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Hi there!
This is Jun Tomioka. I am a Business Consultant.

Recently, my PC doesn’t work well.
It is very slow and sometimes freezes.
I was worried about it and visited PC shop yesterday.

A shop clerk told me that a PC’s lifespan is 3 years
to 5 years. I have already used my PC for over 3 years.

They say that there are several reasons of troubles
but the most common one is a trouble about pc’s drive.

My PC’s drive is called “HDD” or “Hard Disk Drive”.
Recent PC has another type drive called “SSD” or
“Solid State Drive”. They say that an SSD’s performance
is way much better than HDD.

He told me that if I change my drive from HDD to SSD,
my PC might work properly.

I’m going to ask him to check my PC this weekend.
Then, I'll decide whether I'll change my drive from HDD to SSD
or just replace my whole PC .

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ



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